Chapter 8

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Jack's PoV

The kids were still sleeping so the four of us just started to cook food. 

"Let's hope they like this." I said

" I mean it is homemade pizza." Kimi said tossing the dough

We then added the sauce and toppings and put it in the oven. While it was baking us four were cleaning up in the kitchen and had the radio playing.

"After this why don't we take them to the park?" Kimi suggested

"So they have more space to run?" Geoff asked

Kimi nodded and put away some of the items we used. 

"Do you think they can smell this pizza?" Gavin asked

"Probably." Geoff said

Soon we saw all of them at the kitchen door.

"We smell pizza." Wy said

"Is that our food today?" Jeremy asked

Us four simply nodded.

"YAY!" They all screamed

They all sat around and waited for the pizza and once it was out they were trying to reach for it.

"Guys let Gavin cut the pizza." Kimi said placing juice boxes down

"Okayyyy" They all said

Gavin placed the sliced pizza down and they all ate.

Michael's PoV

"Would you all like to do to the park?" Geoff asked

"Yes." I said

"I wanna go on the seesaw!" Ray and Wy chime in

"Okay okay. Put on your little jackets and we'll go." Kimi said

We finally arrived and the park and all split up and ran around leaving the four sitting on a bench.

"This is fun!" I said sliding

"This is our base now! Fear us and you also can not pass!" Jeremy said

Ryan was laughing and soon we see Kimi coming over.

"Noo the evil monster lady is coming to take over!" I said

She laughed. "Fearr mee!!!" she said

"Attack the evil lady!" Jeremy said

They had brought along fake foam swords so we started chasing her.

"Nooooo!!!" she yelled laughing

"Attack the monster lady!" Ryan said

We continued chasing her and soon caught up to her and hit her with our swords.

"Nooooo you have defeated me!" she said collapsing down and pretended to die.

"We defeated the evil!" I said grinning

"We did good!" Jeremy said

"You guys did it!" Wy and Ray said

After a while Kimi sat up and motioned for the other three to come over.

"What game do you all want to play now?" Jack asked

"Uh...tag!" We all scream and run off. "Geoff is it!"

Geoff sighed and began to run after us and the other three.

"I will tag one of you!" he shouts

Soon after we all headed back and were sleepy so we got  brought upstairs by the four.

"Today was fun." I said

"Ye." Wy and Ray said yawing

Then we all passed out in our big and comfy fort of pillows and the mattress. 

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