Chapter 18

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Geoff's PoV

"What do you mean you don't know!?" I said

"First off. It was in an alleyway. Second off . IT WAS NIGHT." Wy sassed

Kimi facepalmed. " Why most you do those things on your late nigh Denny's run..."

"Kimi you've known me since high school and throughout college." Wy replies

The others sighed.

"Well there has to be a way to find out who you actually bought it from" Jack said

Wy shrugged. "It sounded like two guys..that's all I can remember."

"You don't recall anything else?" Ray asked

"Nope...because I was also slightly Kimi had to pick me up." she says sipping her drink.

"Kimi would that mean you saw them?" Ryan asked

She shook her head. "Nope."

"This is just going to be difficult." Jeremy said

"Well at least all of us are back to normal now." Michael said

Gavin nodded. "Being a small human was not fun."

"It really wasn't." Ray replies

"But hey we can finally talk about who will do the live stream q and a." Jack said

"You did say four of us." Kimi said

"It depends on who's needed for the RoosterTeeth podcast plus some of us might just not want to do it." Wy said

"Eh..we'll figure all that out later..." I said

The rest nodded and the rest of day was just filled with shenanigans.

Ryan's PoV

After work everyone was starting to leave but I stayed for a little bit just to double check my footage from game recording from earlier. I was focused on my screen and didn't notice the door open.

"Ryan you still here?" Kimi asked

I looked up. "I thought you left with Wy?"

"She took off with Ray. Those two were planning on going somewhere." she said grabbing her hoodie. "Probably a date or something."

I took off my headphones. " I see..why are you still here though?"

"Had to handle a few more things on the Rooster Teeth side of things." she says. "By the way Ryan...want to hang out later this evening?"

"Sure." I smiled

"I'll see you later then." she walked over and kissed my cheek.

I nod and she left. Soon my phone went off with a group text with the others.

'I have a sneaking suspicion as  to who gave Wy that strange drink' Geoff texted

'who?' Gavin texted

'Someone that works here but it's not any of us.' Geoff texted back

'Let's see..that's a shit ton of people' Michael texted

'But remember Wy said it sounded like two males' Jack texted

'that's true.' Jeremy texted

I soon replied. 'So we know it's two males but which two males.'

'That's the problem.' Geoff texted back

The texting conversation continued as I left the office and I headed out to Kimi and Wy's place. Upon getting there I just see Kimi outside doing yoga. I wanted to scare her so bad. I parked the car which surprisingly did not bring her out of the relaxed state she was in. I snuck over and grabbed her shoulders.

"AH! RYAAAANN!!" she slightly screeches

"Hi~" I said with a laugh

She glared at me but soon laughed. "Took you long enough."

We headed inside and had some nice food and just sat in the living room and played video games.

Ray's PoV

"This is great! This movie is also great!" Wy said

I nod. "Yeah."

"What do you think the other nerds are doing?" she asked

I shrugged. "Probably figuring out who you bought that strange drink from."

"Ah." she said

After the movie we headed to a burger joint and had dinner there.

"Holy shit..the group chat conversation exploded." Wy said checking her phone

"I'm guessing most of it was the whole strange drink thing?" I said looking at my own phone

"Yes." she said

We ordered our drinks and food and just chatted.

"You and Kimi would be working for Achievement Hunter for almost two months soon." I said

Wy nodded. " Also it's good to see that you returned and such...even the fans have freaked out."

"Yeah. I still do stream on Twitch a lot though." I reply

"Cool." Wy replies.

"If I may ask what do you and Kimi use when streaming?" I ask

"Either YouTube, Twitch and occasionally Hitbox." she said

"Which one is better in your opinion?' I ask

"All are's mostly personal preference when picking a favorite which neither of us really have." she replies

"True." I said

Once the food came we were enjoying it all and started cracking a lot of jokes which made the night a lot better.

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