Chapter 17

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Jeremy's PoV

We were sitting around the office spitting ideas of what possible items can turn them back but it was constant disagreeing going into it.

"I really don't think that would work on either of them." Kimi said

"She's right they have been using the silly strings a lot and there was no change." Gavin said

"Food maybe?" Ryan suggested

"But what type of food?" Jack asked

"This is so difficult." Geoff said 

"Alcohol?" Michael suggested

"Are you insane!? They're small kids why would that work?" Gavin said

"It's only a suggestion!" Michael replies

Kimi face palmed.

"There has to be something." I said

"But what could that something be?" Ryan asked

"That's the problem." Geoff said

"There's so many items that could potentially change our friends back but we're not so sure." Gavin said

"Have you nerds figured out how we tiny humans can change back!" Wy said waking up

"No...." we all replied

"We don't wanna be small any more!" Ray chimed waking up

"They're slowly turning salty over this..." Kimi said

"Will them becoming more salty work!?" Michael asked

We shrugged and looked at the two.

"All of you are dummies if you can't think of way." Wy sassed

"We don't want to hear sass from you Wy." Geoff said

"I will be tiny ball of sassy fury!" Wy screams

Geoff groaned.

"Damn it Geoff." Kimi said 

Ray was laughing again. Kimi just sighed and pulled out a bottle of whisky and drank some but Wy managed to steal it and run off.

"WY GET BACK HERE!" Kimi yelled chasing her

Ray was just laughing again.

"Guys..we're being idiots..a rose might turn Ray back to normal." I said

"Do we even have one!?" Jack asked

"Hell if I know." Geoff said

After a while Kimi came back carrying Wy and the whisky bottle in her pocket.

"I caught her." she said

"Bitcchhh I wanted to drink that!" Wy complained

"Wy you're too young right now!" Geoff said

"Kimi do you happen to have a rose on you?" Michael asked

"Actually yeah..check my bag." she said

Gavin took her bag and opened it. " I found the red rose!" 

Ray looked over. "Ohhh pretty!" 

He was soon reaching for it.

"Gavin hand it to him." Jack said

My PoV

When the rose was handed over Ray suddenly returned to normal.

"It's good to be my age again." he said placing the rose down

"Bitch what about me!" Wy complained

"Can we try the alcohol thing?" I ask

"No." Geoff and Jack said

I just ignore them and handed another bottle of whisky. She just downed the bottle and returned to normal.

"I'm back bitchessss!" she said almost throwing the empty bottle

"Now that we're all normal..Wy who even gave you that bottle in the first place?" We asked

"Well...." she began

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