Chapter 5

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Gavin's PoV

When my voice cracked I stopped talking. 

"Guys what's -" my voice cracked again

"Gav why is you're voice all cracking?" Ray asked

"I.." my voice cracked. "Don't know." I reply 

"Gavin you're going through puberty." Jack said sipping a drink

"No!" my voice cracked once more

"Hey at least you won't be a child anymore." Geoff said

I groaned and everyone looked at me.

"You lucky! You get to be turned back soon!" Jeremy said

"Wha." I said as my voice cracked

After an hour I somehow returned to normal.

"Gavin you better hep us take care of the small humans." Geoff said

I looked at the others. "They're all going to go back through the hell of puberty."

Then the small children started screaming.

"God damn it Gavin.." Jack said

"Big nose has returned to adult!" Michael said

I face palmed. "So this is what we put you through..."

Geoff nodded.

"Shall I get the cookies..." I ask

"Probably.." Jack replied

I walked into the kitchen and found the bag of cookies.

"Hey!" I said

Soon they all ran to me and I handed each of them a cookie.

"Who do you think will become themselves next?" I ask looking at Geoff and Jack

The two shrugged.

Wy's PoV

After the yummy cookies we sat around watching more of the TV but were arguing on the show.

"I want Sesame Street! " Jeremy said

"No Blues Clues!" Ray and I said

The three adults just groaned and sat down face palming. Causing hell to them is very fun! After a while we were now just watching the Wonder Pets.

"I want to be just like the Wonder Pets! Saving the animals!" Ray said

I giggled. "YE!"

All of us were happily enjoying the show while sipping on our juice boxes. I then wanted to bother Mr .big nose.


"Yes?" he said looking over

I then threw something at him and everyone joined me.

"Attack the Gavin!" I said giggling

My friends were also laughing. Gavin looked very very done but we continued anyways until a Jack yelled causing all of us to retreat back to the TV and our sacred pillow couch fort.

"Boo I wanna be an adult again..." Kimi said

"I think I'll be an adult next!" Ryan said

"No I will!" Michael said

I just flail. "Guys let us just was cartoon!!"

"Yeee." They all said focusing on the TV

I still could hear the three adult males groaning in the background and I just giggled again.

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