Chapter 10

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Ryan's PoV

Us small humans woke up and ran downstairs and noticed the adults were still asleep.

"Let's wake them up!" Wy said

She and the others looked like they were ready to scream.

"Guys no! Let them rest..we already put them through a lot of hell.." I said

"But Ryebread!" Ray said

We saw one of them move so we ran into the kitchen. Soon Kimi walked in,she looked dead and like trash.

"How are all of you up?" she yawned and walking to the coffee maker

"It is the morning!" Wy and Ray said

"Yea." Jeremy said

Kimi yawned again. "I'll cook you all some pancakes."

"YAY PANCAKES!" We screamed

That caused the other three to walk in.

"Kimi you said you we're going grocery shopping?" Geoff asked

"In an hour." Kimi said

After an hour Kimi was leaving and I was being dragged along.

"Just make sure none of them get hurt!" Kimi calls out exiting the door while dragging me

"OKay!" They called out

We got to the store and she just placed me in the seat for the cart.

"Kimi what are we buying?" I ask

"Juice boxes, more alcohol for myself,Gavin,Jack and Geoff, uh fruit, cereals." she replies pushing the cart

As she pushed the cart down the wine aisle...I became an adult.

"Kimi..I'm stuck. I said

She just starts laughing  and basically collapsed from her laughter.

"Kimi!" I said

Just then a worker saw this and had to get the firemen involved.

"Why were you in this cart in the first place?" One asked me

"Puberty is a bitch." I said picking up the items and Kimi who was still dying of laughter.

Michael's PoV

I was in the little baby swing and Gavin was pushing me.

"Higher!" I said

My other friends were running around because of a game of tag. Suddenly something weird happened.

"Why the fuck am I stuck in a baby swing!" I shout

Gavin had a shocked face and I just hear Geoff cracking up in the background. I started to try to pry myself out but nothing was working.

"Something tells me we need to call." Jack said pulling out his cellphone

Soon the firemen came and had a look of they were so done.

"Really again...we JUST dealt with a similar situation in the grocery store." one said getting out the tools

"Wait..Ryan!" Geoff started laughing again 

Then Kimi and Ryan appeared so everyone started laughing..Wy sounded like she was dying from her laughter so Jack quickly got her a water. 

Ryan was getting grumpy and Kimi wasn't even helping since she was also cracking up so he dragged Kimi inside with him.

"NERD!" Wy called out while still laughing.

Finally I got free of the dumb baby swing so I just threw it at Gavin.

"Ow!" he said and dramatically fell

That caused everyone to laugh more, even I started to crack up. 

"That leaves us three as small humans still." Jeremy said looking at Ray and Wy

The two nodded at him and I just poked Gavin with my foot since he was refusing to move when he did the dramatic fall.

"I'm good." he said sitting up

We all laughed and walked back inside just to see a grumpy Ryan sitting on the couch.

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