Her Lady, Humane

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Her Lady, Humane 

Just in time for Lunch, Sebastian had arrived, and Ciel's attitude changed. They sat in the round table on the patio, Ciel across form her, as well as Sebastian. Like Breakfast the other day, the Butler's food was untouched. 

"So, you haven't told me how the investigation is going," Katrine started, wiping sauce off the corner of her lips. 

"I was just inspecting the crime scenes where the girls were last seen," Sebastian informed. "Whoever is behind this makes it a point to clean up his mess. There were no evidence at all. Not even a hair."

Katrine nodded, looking at her plate in thought. "So we're looking for a professional..."

"And someone with a big enough residence to keep all these girls," Sebastian added. "As I take it, my lady, this is the only manor in the city."

The Duchess leaned back into her seat, and crossed her legs and peered at the butler, "Oh of course, I'm on the suspect list. How very cliche that it would be the strange lady of the county that could be behind it all. Sounds like a story I was told when I was a babe."

Ciel smirked, "'The Blood Countess'. I hope you don't take any offense, my Lady, we have to take to mind every possibility." 

"Not at all, Ciel. So what do you intend on doing with this suspicion?" Katrine slid her shoe off from underneath the table, and slid her foot up the length of the Earl's leg. He was wearing short trousers and stockings, so the skin touching skin certainly surprised him. But he quickly collected himself, even if his face was beginning to get pinker the closer the Duchess's small foot reached higher. 

"If you don't mind me answering, My Lady," Sebastian smiled, "but the anniversary of the kidnappings is coming closer. Every fortnight a new girl has been missing, as what I gathered. I want to keep you and your staff under close surveillance, if you don't mind, until  friday. If a girl goes missing before then, and I know you and your staff had nothing to do with it."

Both Ciel and Katrine raised an eyebrow at this. Sebastian had been planning this since he left in the morning. He sent a letter back to the Phantomhive manor, and requested that Mey-rin, Bard, and Finnian to come up to Forest Heath to help with the surveillance. It was the only way he could find out what exactly is happening in this manor and who and what the Duchess is, and what her Matron has to do with anything. 

"I don't believe you mentioned this plan to me, Sebastian," his master said, the sneaky foot long forgotten. 

"My apologies, my lord, I didn't get a chance to tell you," he gave him a tight lipped smile before turning back to the Duchess. "Do I have your permission, My Lady?"

"If it means taking my name, and the names of my staff's off the suspect list, then by all means," Katrine sipped her goblet, "how do you plan on keeping an eye on us if you only have four eyes, and I have eight bodies?"

"I hope you don't mind, Lady Katrine, but I've invited a few outsiders," Sebastian made a point not to tell her it was the Phantomhive servants. He wanted her to think he hired professionals. And although the three were talented in their own way, they weren't exactly...Professional. He had Mey-rin monitor the outside perimeter, and Finnian guard the servant's chambers, Bard the grounds to make sure no one was sneaking out, and of course he himself will be patrolling the manor himself. He explained this to her without revealing who they are and what their actual position is. She seemed skeptical, that maybe he didn't do such a thing, which meant the possibility of it being easier for catching someone leaving the manor at night.

"Of course, you, yourself will be closely, personally monitored," Sebastian added.

"I take it you will be doing the honours then?" She sipped her tea.

"It would be an honour to do so, my Lady, but I was referring to the Lord," his mischievous smile was directed to Ciel who deadpanned. 

"Excuse me? I don't believe I agreed to this," Ciel protested, ready to slap his butler for embarrassing him in front of the Duchess. 

"My apologies, my lord, I found it only fitting. It would be improper for you to be patrolling the manor in my place, so I thought it would be best to have a stationary position for you," Ciel knew what Sebastian was trying to do, but it really didn't need to go as far as to sharing a room with Katrine. 

"Or I could sleep in my own bedchamber and you can keep a close eye on her door," Ciel crossed his arm, but froze when he felt Katrine leaned close, her leg gone between his own legs, but it was replaced with her delicate, confident, and curious hands. 

"Don't enjoy my company, Ciel? Hm, I'm sorry to hear that...Because I would love to have shared a bed with you," Katrine wasn't sparing any moments anymore. Not only was Sebastian's plan was going to prove her innocent, but she got to torture this young lord. Not to mention if he agrees to spend the night with her, and it goes too far, she would gain the Earl's trust. Evangeline had told her that humans often get attached to their first loves and their first times. Undoubtably Ciel had yet to feel a woman's warmth, she doubted that Elizabeth was that kind of girl to give up her maidenhood at such a young age. 

Katrine was just lucky enough that she didn't have that issue. She already went through sexual withdrawals at the early age of fourteen and had finally opened her legs to the only person she trusted...

Sebastian was nothing but amused by this display, enough to make a very inappropriate comment. "The Lady is clearly interested in you, My Lord. Perhaps it is about time you become a man."

Ciel's face heated up like a thermometer on the sun, "S-Sebastian! Not appropriate!"

Katrine's laughs rang around the patio, and at this, for the first time the Butler stared at her in a new light. She reminded him of Ciel in some way, but at the same time, not. His master rarely laughed, and when the Lady did, it sounded like music. There were no demons that had such a beautiful laugh. Perhaps she was human after all.   

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