His Butler, Tease

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Sorry this chapter took so long! The next one was long to write. And school's been keeping me busy, so~. Anyway. Glad to see people are reading it. But I get no feedback! It's a little disapointing :C Oh well.. Hope you enjoy. 


Daniel smiled down at the sight. The Lord of Phantomhive was laying on his back, and underneath his chin was the nestled red-head of the Duchess of Suffolk. Their hands were intwined on top of Ciel's chest. They were quite the pair, they looked like a young married couple. It almost hurt him what he was about to do. But not really. 

The squire raised the trumpet to his mouth and began blowing. 

Katrine and Ciel began trashing around in the bed at the sudden noise. "Man the doors! Get the guns! Where's Sebastian?!" Ciel began to shout frantically. 

"God Damn, Daniel! You wretch," Katrine began shouting, her hair all over her face, but it was hard to tell between the red hair and the red face. 

The blonde squire merely smiled innocently, "My apologies, Young Lord. The Lady needs an alarming wakening to start her days earlier."

Ciel began to massage his temples, "Katrine, I must say, your squire has unorthodox ways to complete his orders."

"My apologies, Ciel," Katrine flipped her hair away from her face and glared at Daniel. "Go get our breakfast ready, and tea, you annoying prat. And on the next morn, see to it that either Annabelle or Evangeline, or even Ciel's Butler, Sebastian, be the one to wake us."

Daniel chuckled, "Of course, my mistress. And might I say that the two of you look splendid together? You two both make the colours of Your Majesty's flag!" He began giggling as their faces began to heat up once again. 

On his way out, he passed by Sebastian who was standing at the door way, "Good morning, Sebastian," the butler bowed and repeated the gesture, but froze in his spot when the squire spanked his back side.

Once the blonde was gone, Sebastian fixed his suite. "Your squire, my Lady, knows no boundaries."

Katrine sighed, pulling the blankets off of her, "Just wait until Wednesday. Where is Evangeline? Is she going to change me?"

"Evangeline is dealing with some upset citizens at the moment, My Lady. If you don't mind, I can assist you with your corset," he bowed lowly. Ciel narrowed his eye at him.

"Sebastian, am I not in your sight of vision?" He crossed his arms, "I am your master."

"Of course, My Lord," the butler smiled, "I was merely offering my services." 

Katrine smiled, "that's quite alright, Sebastian. You attend to your Lord's needs. I'll call for my maid, Paula. Please excuse me." The duchess stood up in her night gown and slipped out of the room. 

Sebastian came up from his bow and turned to his younger master, who was avoiding eye contact with his arms crossed. "Had a splendid night, master?"

Ciel cleared his throat, "It was surprisingly good."

"Did you...?"

"No... We didn't get anywhere close to that," CIel pulled the comforter off of him and slid his legs off the side. "But we did have an interesting...talk."

Sebstian bent down and began to unbutton his shirt, "I had an interesting conversation with the Matron as well."

Ciel's eyes remained closed as he let his Butler undress him and dress him with new clothes, "It was a complete change of character. She talked about her mother... She said that she owed Evangeline her life, that means that the Doctor has been with her since birth. How could that be, she looks to be no older than twenty-five."

"That's because the Matron is not human, Young Master," Sebastian responded, while strapping his stokings to his calf. "I found out that she is nor human nor angel, but something inbetween. A Fallen Angel."

Ciel snapped his eyes open, looking geniunely shocked, "A what?"

"A Fallen Angel, my Lord. They're once Angels, but do something that involves something sinful, or unclean, or they simply rebel and their wings are ripped from their backs," Sebastian explained while buttoning up Ciel's shirt. "Fallen Angels are casted to Limbo as the Omegas of the Underworld."

"I thought Satan was a Fallen Angel?" 

"Yes... as the stories are told," The Butler admited, "But no Fallen Angel is any stronger than a demon, unless they are an Arch Angel or a Guardian. But they aren't very liked... They are rare divine beings. I've never met one myself."

"So what is a Fallen Angel doing taking care of a human Duchess?" Ciel stood up once his shoes were put on his feet, and Sebastian gave him his walking stick. 

"She mentioned a child, and how Lady Katrine reminds her of said child," Sabastian smoothed his tailcoat. "But she didn't go into detail."

"Did she mention or hint on what the Duchess is?" 

"Of course she didn't, Young Master," he combed Ciel's hair, pulling out the knots in his hair. "My word, Master, there are so many knots. Are you positive that you didn't do anything with the Mistress? Or shall I say...Your mistress."

Ciel deadpanned, and swatted the butler's hand away, "Honestly, Sebastian. If you keep this teasing up, I'm going to command you to share a bed with that Fallen Angel you deteste so much."

"I pray you aren't so cruel, Young Master," Sebastian replied, but he found himself not being totally sincere in his words. After the smell lifted, he didn't find being close to the Matron as revolting. 

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