His Lord, Heart Ache

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Ciel rode off to the city on one of his horses along side Sebastian. It would take less time if he did so without the carriage. Even if the November chill was catching up to them, Ciel didn't mind. He needed to get out of that castle. It wasn't sufficating, but Katrine seemed to be avoiding him. 

"I don't understand, Sebastian," The Earl began as they road through the empty streets of Forest Heath. "One day she is all over me, and the next she doesn't want anything to do with me."

The Butler smiled despite his discomfort with riding a horse. He was used to steering them on a carriage, or walking along side them, but he never liked the feeling of having one between his legs. "Perhaps it's a delicate time of the month for the Lady, My Lord."

The Earl flushed, "No that isn't it. She woke before me, and hurried to get dressed. She didn't realize I was awake. I didn't see any rags between her legs, or red stains." His face heated up at the memory of her bare back and bare buttocks as Annabelle pulled the bloomers on her. 

Sebastian's amusement grew, but he held back a chuckle, "Perhaps she is with child, my lord. Are you sure you two haven't....?"

"Great Scott, Sebastian, we barely have seen each other nude!" Ciel blew up and lifted his shoulders up in embarassment, "Though we've become frightingly close. I know she is more than willing, except for last night. Last night had threw me off."

Sebastian raised his hand and began to tap his chin, "Something seems to be bothering the Duchess, then. I remember the scantily clad Squire had returned to her study with a letter. Perhaps bad news?"

"All her relatives, save the Queen, are gone. And if the Queen died, we would know about it as well..." Ciel closed his eyes and let the rhythem of his horse calm him. "I don't understand what could be so upsetting that she needs to isolate herself from me."

"You realize, young master, that they way you speak of yourself and her, is as if you are already married. I believe you've grown to fancy her."

"Tch... I am the Queen's Watchdog, only Heir to the House Phantomhive, as well as enganged to a Marquess's daughter. I am in no position to fancy anyone, or be in this position to begin with."

"Hmhm," Sebastian chuckled, "For centuries, heads of houses, even Kings, had love interests and their own mistresses, My Lord. Fancying the Duchess isn't as taboo as you think it is... At the very least, she is a rank higher than Lady Midford, and a rank lower than Her Majesty, and therefore has more authority. If your aunt had a problem with it, which she will, she will be obligated to not say a word."

Ciel turned to him with his brows knitted, "So, if Lady Katrine requested that I to marry her, my aunt would not have anything to say about it?"

"No. The Duchess is the Queen's cousin, and she will get what ever she wants. However, it will make your aunt see her in a darker light, as well as you."

"Not to mention Elizabeth," Ciel sighed, looking foreword once again. "I don't think I could ever do that to Elizabeth, but alas, me even sharing a bed with Lady Katrine has tarnished our engagement." 

"Yes, but like I said, it is not unknown. However, I do not see the Duchess tearing you away from your fiance. If she did, she would have asked about her, but she hasn't."

Ciel looked down at his hands wrapped around the reigns, "If that's so, then she must not like me as I do her."

Sebastian smiled, "So you do fancy her, young master?"

He scowled, "I suppose I do. But if she isn't interested me in such a way, then why try to persue me? I'm afraid she has been toying with my emotions, perhaps to make me fall for her, so I would forget about suspecting her." His grip tightened around the reigns in anger. This conclusion seemed the most plausable, and this upsetted him greatly. "That...that bitch. How could she..." He growled, tugging the reigns and forcing his stallion into another direction. 

Sebastian couldn't say that he wasn't surprised. He never did hear the young master swear the way he did just then. He motioned for his horse to follow, where they were led into the forest. Though he was some what relieved that the Earl is starting to resent the Duchess after he drew his conclusion, especially after what happened with himself and the Matron the other night. 

"My Lord, I hope you don't mind me suggesting a course of action?"

Ciel looked at him for a brief moment before returning his gaze a head, "I'm afraid that despite my anger towards her, Sebastian, I am still starting to think that the Duchess is innocent after all. Over the course of the last few days, the suspicion is slowly dying. If she is innocent, however, it will only be for that case. I am still.... after she..."

Sebastian smirked, "I take that as a yes, young master?"

Ciel turned to him, "Tell me your plan, Sebastian."

"It involves our original one, my lord. But tonight, you will go to Lady Katrine, and demand her to remove her clothes and give herself to you. And once she does, and rightly after coitus, you will treat her like a nobleman treats a common whore."


Yes, I know, it's short, but I promise next chapter will be worth waiting for ;)

HUGE thanks to those who commented and voted. I love knowing that people are taking their time our of their day to read my stories, and are geniunely enjoying them. It's one of the best parts of being a writer, I think!

Also, I plan on making another Black Butler story. I already wrote the first and part of the second chapter, but I need to fix a few kinks and decide a main plot, but this one will be Claude/OC/Sebastian, so it WILL be a love triangle.... I will post the summary in the next chapter once I've fixed it up. xoxox

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