Her Staff, Her Legion

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Now this is the long chapter, unfortunately there is no fluffy moments, it's mostly about her staff, but I'd like to think it's important, so you're not confused to future references to this. I wanted to write about the Staff's past but in an interesting way. So at the same time, this is botha  filler and not a filler. ALSO, big thanks to my first reviewers, AcidStamps and LunaMichaelis!


The morning was spent fairly quiet. Katrine was in the study with Annabelle who was tutoring her in the maths, as well as other subjects. Katrine didn't have a butler, she found no need with her house full of maids, and escentric squire. And Annabelle had centuries to learn such subjects, so she was much better a tutor than what money could offer. Sometimes Evangeline tutored her, but she insisted that it wasn't a suitable task for a doctor to be a tutor. 

Evangeline was a nurtuer, not a teacher. Trying to teach Katrine things was difficult, and it seemed like the only person who had the patience was Annabelle. The Hand Maid was patient for everything, and very little things pissed her off. 

But Annabelle Pennyworth was a fierce demon. Older than Chrisitanity, she was about 3000 years old, and lived in Ancient Greece as a Priestess. No one knows how she became a child of the Underworld (some demons say that she is the goddess Hekate), but the one thing everyone knows in the Manor is that Annabelle let go her legion of 40 demons to protect Lady Katrine. Evangeline could argue that Anna was the only demon that was kind to her while the former angel was sent to Limbo, and formed a friendship, and out of all the damned souls in Hell, Anna had a sense of what was right and what was wrong. But then again, the Hand Maid never admitted that this was true or if this was false. So her real intention as to why Annabelle remains loyal to Katrine is still somewhat not explained. 

Complete opposite of Annabelle, was Daniel Kent. Who was currently in the drawing room, pouring tea to the young Earl of Phantomhive. His delicious butler, Sebastian, was somewhere to be found. Possibly with the Matron, the Squire suspected. 

"Young Lord, if you do not mind me asking," Daniel began, placing the tea pot on the trolly. "But how do you find our Lady?"

Daniel was a gossip. He loved scandal and relationship rumours. Naturally, this whole situation with the Earl and the Duchess was the juicest news he could find since Katrine found out who the Pedophile demon was -- A demon in one of her brothers legions no less. Oh, how the Duchess loved shredding into that man's torso. 

Ciel looked at him through his one eye, "I find her well. A bit unorthadox, however."

Daniel chuckled, "We are all unorthadox here, Young Lord. Welcome to Wonderland."

"Wonderland, you say? Then I take it that Lady Katrine is the Red Queen?"

"Not at all," Daniel said. "She's the White Queen."

"And what are you?"

Daniel thought, tapping his chin, "Well... I'm the Cheshire Cat."

Indeed Daniel was. Even before he swore his alligance to Lady Katrine, Daniel Kent creeped as demonic poltergiests and ghosts in many aboads, typically those in America. He loved to mess with people, to scare them, to make them feel uncomfortable. In fact, Daniel was the person that started the Jersey Devil. Because, he WAS the Jersey Devil. He appeared, reappeared in many different places. He has no motives, however. He does what he does because it's fun. 

So why did Daniel join Lady Katrine's legion?

His loyalty to Katrine is oft times questioned due to his fickle mind. Though, that doesn't mean it isn't there. Katrine saved him from being exorcized right here in Forest Heath, and he was forever in her dept. This was years ago, though, and even at six years old, Lady Katrine was as mature as any adult. This was the first Legion that Daniel was ever in... He was a mere mischief maker on the Human World, finding the Underworld dull and not exciting. There were no stories in Hell, just screams and rotten souls. 

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