Her Lady, His Lord

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Her Lady, His Lord

Evangeline did not like this. She didn't like how easy going the butler seemed about this idea, as if he was planning something. After lunch, the duo had disappeared, and reappeared for dinner. The Earl had this new attitude, it seemed he was actually...trying to charm her Mistress. 

"They're planning something," The Matron told Katrine, who was in her study, writing a letter to her Queen cousin. 

"I realize," Katrine looked up at her doctor, "The Earl doesn't hold a poker face very well, at least when it comes to me being promiscuous... He means to gain my trust to find out any information I'm not giving him."

"The only thing they don't know is who and what you are, as well as me," Evangeline leaned against the wall and watched her Lady seal the letter with the royal stamp after the wax softened. 

"Perhaps honesty is our best policy. When the girl is kidnapped, we will be in the clear. At this moment, I don't think Ciel Phantomhive is an enemy," she pushed the letter to the corner of the desk and leaned back into her office chair. 

Evangeline narrowed her eyes at her Lady, "Are you smitten with the Lord, Mistress?"

"I do enjoy torturing him. And he smells....interesting. I've never smelled such a thing before," Her fingers traced lines around her lips, before her tongue slid over her bottom lip. "Perhaps tonight I'll take away his boyhood."

The Matron stood up straight, "My Lady, the reason why the boy smells the way he does is because his demon has been prepping him up to devour. Once their contract is complete, what ever that is, he will devour his soul. It's meant to be delicious, because he was bred that way. You must resist temptation."

Katrine sighed, "You're right. The boy's innocent, from what I know of him. But that shan't stop me from taking his boyhood. I know what you're thinking, what will that prove now that our name will be out of the clear.... consider it a plan C, should the criminal take a break at this convenient time, and they assume again that it was me."

"You want the boy to fancy you enough to believe you," Evangeline nodded, understanding, "Using sex as a weapon is the oldest trick in the book, my Lady. However, might I warn you that this will cause future problems between you and the butler."

"How do you mean?"

"Once you take his boyhood, his body belongs to you. He will be your lover, whether temporary or official... Such is the mark of the demon when they deflower a human. So when the boy's contract is fulfilled, Ciel will not die unless you release him," The former Angel explained. 

Katrine chuckled, "That would annoy Sebastian greatly. I wager that's something you'd love to witness."

Evangeline was silent for a moment before she let a small smile betray her thoughts, "I would be lying if I said I didn't. But the demon will be on your back about it, my Lady."

"I suppose we need to gain the affection of the butler as well, and I know you wont do it... and Paula is too easy."

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