Chapter 6

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The quiet vibrating hum of the engine was all that was heard on the bioship, as Mount Justice came into view.

Blue, purple, and pink streaked the sky as the sun barely peeked over the horizon, making the navy blue and gray clouds give off an eery feel aboard with the passengers.

Superboy turned to see Phantom (cloak on and hood up) staring outside the window, watching the setting sun. One leg was propped up to his chest, arms wrapped loosely around it, while the other leg hung off the edge of the seat. But what bothered Superboy the most, was the emptiness within the other's eyes, they looked dull and... dead.

'He's been like that for a while now...'

Superboy was startled by the sudden Mind Link and turned to see Miss Martian, who in turn was looking at Phantom with a sympathetic and worried look that was plastered on her face.

'Yeah...' Superboy replied.

'What do you think he's thinking about?' Beast Boy asked.

'Gee I don't know, maybe his past?' Artemis sarcastically replied.

'Speaking of the past, we're right back to when this started. Who do you think that guy was?' Kid Flash asked.

'You mean blue, creepy, and scary? No idea,' Impulse replied in a fearful tone.

'Well considering the fact that Phantom seemed to know him, and by the way he reacted, I would have to guess that he was probably someone important or someone very close to him,' Robin theorized.


Everyone turned to Superboy with confused and curious looks.

'That person (if my guess is right) was definitely NOT close to Phantom.'

'Why would you say that?' Aqualad asked.

'Because if I'm right, then we're ALL in BIG trouble.'

'Okay? But why? Who do you think that guy was back there?' Beast Boy asked.

'I think he may have been-'

"I know you guys are talking about me so you can stop using the Mind Link already."

Superboy jumped as he turned around to find Phantom facing all of them, his neon green eyes focused, but empty at the same time.

Superboy opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by Miss Martian announcing their arrival to Base.

The peaceful humming of the ship's engine quieted as the landing gear retracted from the bottom of the ship (while outside, the Hangar Bay doors crept open as the bioship approached further towards it). With a soft jerk, the Bioship landed within the Hangar Bay, thus allowing the doors to close shut.

The passengers slowly made their way off the ship and started walking towards the Debriefing Room.

Only now did Superboy remember that Nightwing and Zatanna were gone. He was about to question their absence when he then remembered that both Team members had gone ahead to make sure everything was clear at the 'Cave'.

As the Team walked into the Debriefing Room, they stopped short in their tracks and stared in awe at the sight before them.

Standing next to Nightwing was a strange being holding a staff. He wore a dark purple cloak held up by a black gear, a light purple shirt (the middle of his chest being what looked like a pendulum inside a glass window), gray gloves with many watches on each, and where the shirt ended, a blue wispy tail was present. The being's skin was blue, his eyes pupilless red with a scar over his left eye.

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