Chapter 2

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*Everyone's POV* (The Team's)

The team arrived back at base and man were they relieved to be back.

Nightwing expected the night to go by smoothly, and to get the mission done quickly and correctly. But when Nightwing found out that someone had gone into the forest, he automatically knew that something as up. So it wasn't much of a surprise to him that they had happened to find a kid, that was injured and was a long way from home. To be honest, nothing had surprised him, to badly, that evening.

Everyone climbed out of Miss Martian's red ship, and made their way to the debriefing room. At least until- "Um guys?"

The Team looked back at Superboy and Beast Boy, to find Superboy still carrying the mystery boy, Danny.

"Oh right," Nightwing stated calmly, even though he mentally kicked himself for forgetting about a bleeding kid. "I'll take him to the infirmary and-"


'Forget what I just said... I'm officially whelmed...' Nightwing thought.

Everyone had shocked faces and wide eyes, as they looked up at Superboy. But, even he himself looked surprised he had snapped at them.

"I-I mean... It's alright, I'll take him to the infirmary," Superboy said trying to correct himself.

Nightwing raised his eyebrow at this, while Superboy just walked away towards the infirmary, without even recieving an answer.

Nightwing brushed it off thinking that S.B. must just be having a rough night.

'But then again he's been acting strange ever since we met that kid...'

"Mission Report."

Nightwing was snapped out of his thoughts as Batman stepped through the Zeta Portal. He had the usual on, the black and gray suit, black gloves, black boots, and his Bat mask, and of course, the never wavering cowl he always has on.

"Mission was a success. Criminals were stopped and caught," Nightwing reported.

"We also encountered another person, neither foe nor ally," Aqualad added.

Batman's gaze hardened into a glare, "Explain."

Nightwing sighed and said, "We were looking for stragglers, when we encountered a young boy about the age of 14, alone in the forest. When we offered to help him home, he refused. So we kept trying to get him to come with us, but ended up having to try to forcefully bring him with us. At least until..."

Nightwing hesitated, but Batman simply waited.

"Superboy had smelled blood, and a lot of it. We found out that he had cut his leg, not too badly, but badly enough for medical attention, and it apparently happened when he had slipped and fell from the nearby road."

Batman seemed to think about this and asked, "Where did you take him?"

Nightwing's eyes widened as he stumbled for words and Aqualad ended up answering (very awkwardly), "Here..."

Batman's eyes narrowed at Nightwing, "You brought a civilian to Mount Justice?"

Nightwing straightened and quickly began to explain, "It's not like that. The boy- was- he was different."

Batman kept his eyes narrowed.

"Batman, when he asked who we were and we told him the League's proteges', he claimed he's never even heard of the League, nor any of the heroes."

Batman's glare went away and as he processed this new information.

"Also," everyone turned to look at Artemis, "he made that strange energy dome."

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