Chapter 4

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Danny smiled as Gar bounced in excitement as they walked down the hallway towards the Mission Room. The small green boy was grinning like a mad man as he bounced up and down, with a new fiery determination in his green eyes.

"Gar, chill out! You might end up hurting yourself with all that jumping!" Danny laughed.

Gar stopped jumping but he still had his wide grin plastered onto his face.

"I'm sorry Danny but I just can't help it! We're finally going on a mission again!" Gar exclaimed with excitement.

Danny shook his head at the young boy's antics, but still managed to keep his smile.

"Gar it has only been two weeks since our last mission. It wasn't that long ago," Danny replied amusedly.

Gar fake pouted, but it only made Danny laugh even more. "Yeah but I just can't help but feel like we might actually get some action this time, around!"

After Gar's last exclamation, they both continued down the hallway in silence with their good moods.

By the time they arrived in the Mission Room to be debriefed, the Zeta-Tubes were already being powered on and the computer began to announce the designations.

"Batman-02, Red Tornado-16, Nightwing-B01."

Danny and Gar joined the rest of the Team members, as they awaited their assignments. At least, until Kid Flash, Impulse, and Beast Boy started debating on what they were going to do on our mission.

"-about Dr. Freeze?" Danny overheard Kid Flash ask.

"Nah...OH! Maybe we're going to go take down another one of Lex's projects!" Impulse theorized.

"No, no, no... I think we're going to go take down somebody from the Light or maybe even the Injustice League!" Beast Boy argued.


The three debating teens turned around to see Batman, Red Tornado, and Nightwing approaching them.

Danny smiled at the red and yellow hero. When Danny had met Tornado for the first time, he had to admit that he was kind of impressed. The hero was a robot of an all red metal 'skin' if you will. He had no ears or nose, and his eyes and mouth sockets made him look somewhat 'emotionless'. He had a yellow T symbol on his chest and a yellow arrow on his forehead.

Now back to what he was originally saying. He wasn't impressed by the fact Red Tornado was a robot, (he had to thank Skulker for that), in fact, he was impressed at how emotionally attached Tornado was towards the Team. Unlike other AI systems or robots he's met, Tornado has a way of actually caring for the young teenagers, almost like how a parent would feel protective of a child. And that's what really makes Danny enjoy the company of him as well. Unlike the other Leaguers, Danny felt more open towards Tornado and felt that he could have a somewhat 'normal' conversation with him (except for Black Canary of course). In short, Red Tornado, to Danny, was more comfortable to be around than the other Leaguers.

Everyone turned their attention to the Caped Crusader, who was now bringing up pictures on the holographic computer.

Batman gave Danny a quick glance, correction, glare, and then continued to debrief everyone on the mission.

The floor was momentarily the most interesting thing in the room, as Danny turned his head away from the adult heroes.

"Why didn't inform us that you were having visions again?"

Danny remained silent as he sat on the medical bed/table. He was still in his Phantom form, his energy hadn't been completely depleted from the fight with GL.

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