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A beautiful floral vase was now broken and shattered on the soft tan carpeted floor. The pieces of green, red, and pink scattered along the floor around and beneath the dining room table.

"S- sorry... It- it was an a-accident!" stuttered a raven haired teen with fearful icy-blue eyes.

A red haired woman was currently glaring daggers at the small lanky teen, eyes filled with rage and resentment. "Look at what you did! You destroyed the only vase I had left because of your recklessness! But that's all you ever you ever do, destroy things! I- Just go to your room and stay up there! I can't even look at you right now!"

The teenager quickly climbed up the stairs, desperate to get away from his furious mother, and made his way towards his bedroom.

'This has been going on for two months now...' the boy thought as he opened the door to his room. 'Ever since the Disastroid Incident, and that stupid ghost incident, the entire city of Amity Park has been blaming me for everything, even for the littlest of things.' He closed the door behind him and locked it. 'Has it really come to this? Does everyone really hate me? The ghosts, the useless government agencies, the damage to the city... are they all really my fault? Or is everyone just looking for someone to blame? To just point fingers at one person, so they could take their anger out on them instead of everything else?'

He walked over to the mirror on the opposite of the room and stared at his reflection.

Icey blue eyes stared back at the boy. He moved the raven curtain out of his eyes, allowing him to see the pale skin that was hiding beneath it. As he scanned the mirror, he saw the reflection wearing a black baseball T-shirt, with a black, grey, and white short-sleeved flannel over it. The reflection also wore a pair of stormy grey jeans.

The teen sighed deeply as he turned away from the mirror which had offered no comfort and seemed to have only made his mood worse.

'I am Daniel, Danny, Fenton and I ruined everything...'

... TIME SKIP...

Danny stared at the white colored paper in his hands, as he slowly read it to himself.


I have decided that it would probably best for both myself and for you to leave what was once known as my home. It seems that I have brought nothing but trouble and caused you nothing but misery. So please, as a last request, read this letter.


I'm sorry for not being the son that you deserved, and to make it even worse, I was nothing more than your arch-enemy. You already have a perfect and wonderful daughter, so there's really no other reason why I should stay. The question I guess that will never be answered is, why? Why did you have to go and blame other people for your problems? Why did you always have to see me as a dissappointment? Why could you only see me as a ghost? Why couldn't have you see all the good I've done for Amity Park and its people? Why?


You were once my friends- no- best friends, now I don't know what to think. Even before I got my powers, you were always there for me. We would laugh together, play together, and even cry together... So I just can't help but feel like it was probably never real. Maybe what happened was that I desperately wanted it to be real, that I thought it was real. My only guess is that all you ever saw me as was your own personal play thing, a joke. Maybe you felt that if you could be friends with a loser, a weirdo, a freak, you could feel normal in your own way. If only I had realised sooner what a TRUE friend was, I wouldn't have had to suffer from all the lies that I had been fed.


I knew you weren't there, but I wish you had been, to help me through this. I really needed you, I needed your support, your kind words, and just BEING there... I will miss you, and I will always remember when you were there for me. I hope you can finish college and be the wonderful psyciatrist you always wanted to be. I honestly have to admit that I just hope you can forgive me for leaving and that you'll take good care of Danielle for me. I love you both and I always will.

Please don't try to come and look for me. Because no matter where you look, or how hard you try, I'll make sure you'll never find me... This is the last you will ever hear from Daniel Fenton. And the last of Danny Phantom...


Danny looked away from the letter, and walked over to where his bag sat on the floor. He picked up his black and white duffel bag, and slung it across his back.

He walked over to the computer desk and got a piece of tape, then proceeded to the Ghost Portal. Danny taped the paper on the frame of the Portal, then took a deep shaky breath, and looked around the lab.

Danny then sighed and faced the portal. He then walked through the hazy whirl pool of green and black.

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