Chapter 1

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The cold sensation of the portal washed over Danny's body, as he exited the Ghost Zone. It felt as though he had plunged into cold water.

'Something feels, off...'

Danny's eyes widened as he realized his feet weren't touching the ground. He tumbled out of the portal with a small yelp; landing on the ground with a loud "oomph!".

'What happened to portals opening on the ground?!' the halfa thought angrily to himself.

He groaned as he slowly lifted himself off the ground.

      As he got up he noticed it was nightfall. Apparently, he had also landed on a concrete road. 'No wonder that hurt.' Looking around, he noticed a forest to the right of him; below the grassy hill, on which the road laid on top of. To his left was a dirt road that led to an old factory. Half of the old factory was brick, while the rest being concrete. Green and brown vines grew along the brick walls, and the windows were shattered, faded and grimy. Metal pipes and pieces were sticking out of the concrete, creating a menacing and broken down scene/look.

Danny then realized that it was storming. Lightning crackled and thunder boomed overhead. 'How could I've missed that?' The cold rain began to seep into Danny's clothes and raven hair became matted and pitch black ('if that's even possible').

'Where am I?'


Danny whipped his head towards the sudden explosions and yelling.

Suddenly, a man dressed in black and gray landed in front of Danny. The man groaned in pain as Danny slowly began to back away with wide eyes.

BOOM! Lightning shook the very air itself, and Danny lost his footing on the edge of the road.

      He fell and began to roll down the steep hill. Sticks and rocks tore at his skin and clothes. A large rock then appeared and Danny tried to stop himself (forgetting about intangibility), only to fail miserably when he hit the rock, then becoming airborne. Danny, forgetting about his powers, didn't even think enough to try and transform. When Danny landed, he rolled onto a riverbank, finally coming to a stop, and lying on his back.

      Danny slowly tried to get on his feet, but a sharp pain shot up his leg. He let out a small yelp, as sat back down. He looked at his leg and found the pant leg slightly torn. He hissed in pain as he slowly pulled his pant leg up. His leg had a large cut about six inches long. By the amount of blood, Danny could tell that the cut wasn't too deep, but deep enough for even his healing abilities to have a hard time. He quickly took a part of his torn flannel and tied it around his bleeding leg.

Danny sighed as he sat back and looked out at the river, simply trying to process everything that's happened, and what he should do next.

But his relaxation was short lived when distant voices and rustling interrupted the calming rain and thunder.

"But why-?"

"-because I think some of them escaped, and I saw someone come into the forest."

Danny hid the building panic from his face, as he quickly got up, ignoring the pain in his leg, and started to run the opposite way.

The thunder seemed to grow louder and the lightning flashing brighter, as he tried to run through the thick forest.



Danny ran faster, the pain in his leg almost becoming nonexistent. He zig-zagged through the forest, desperately trying to lose his pursuers.

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