Chapter 5

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As Nightwing left the medical room on the bioship, M'gann looked over to see Connor staring sadly at the unconscious Danny.

"You know you really need to work on hiding it better..." M'gann said in a serious tone.

Connor, slightly jumping at the sound of her voice, turned to look at her with an eyebrow raised.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, severely confused.

M'gann dropped the serious act and let a small smirk make a way onto her face.

"You know fully well what I'm talking about..."

Connor still had a confused look, when realization slapped him in the face; to the point where almost all the color drained from his face.

He started rubbing the back of his neck, "I-I don't know what you're talking about..."

M'gann's smirk turned into a full-blown smile as she said playfully, "To be honest, I think it's absolutely beautiful and that you shouldn't hide it."

Connor turned his head away from her and asked quietly, "Is it really that obvious?"

M'gann sighed in exasperation, "Look, you need to make a decision. Either tell everyone and just get it over with, OR, you need to start hiding it better."

Connor crossed his arms and pouted slightly, "Well I thought we were hiding it pretty well..."

M'gann shook her head as she giggled, "Well you're really not."

M'gann's eyes were wide in shock and amazement as she stood by Connor's door that was slightly ajar.

"Are you really sure about this?"

She had come to ask Connor something but stopped when she had heard voices. M'gann has been standing by the door for a good fifteen minutes now, and she wasn't about to stop anytime soon.

"Look, Danny, all we have to do is keep it a secret for a while. At least until we feel like the time is right to tell the Team. Plus the fact that there is just too much drama going on right now and you're still not your complete self yet."

M'gann heard Danny sigh in defeat.

"Alright... you have me convinced. But that doesn't mean that I'm still not scared of how everyone will react. I just don't want anyone else to hate me ag-"

"Danny," Connor interrupted, "No one is going to hate you, alright? Everything is going to be fine... I promise."



Red lights flashed as the alarm went off on Mount Justice, signaling the Team.

Hurried footsteps were heard throughout the compound as all the Team members appeared in the debriefing room.

"What's going on?!" Kid Flash exclaimed with slight panic.

Right at that moment Superman flickered on the computer screen.

"It seems Joker decided to forward his visit, in Gotham City. Several, luckily low-powered, bombs have already gone off on the outskirts. Police are already evacuating those parts of the city. Batman is already on his way, depart quickly so you can meet him there. Phantom-"

Phantom rose an eyebrow at the red and blue League member on the screen with suspicion clear in his eyes.

"You are to remain at Mount Justice unless called upon, Batman's orders. Superman out."

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