Chapter 9

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      Conner slowly made his way up the creaking metal stairs that lead to the rooftop. He reached for the rusted doorknob but then stopped as he began to hesitate. 'What if he doesn't want people to talk to him right now? What if he just wants to be left alone so he can be allowed to think?' Conner snorted at himself before reaching out and turned the doorknob. 'Like I'm going to let him do that...'

      A chilly breeze whisked Conner's short-cut hair as he opened the metal door. Outside it was chilly, but comforting. The leaves of Autumn followed the wind as it gently blew through the air, the Sun's orange and yellow rays making the leaves seem to shine and gleam as they passed by. In fact, Conner hadn't even realized how late it was as he saw the sinking sun. The clone sighed as he looked to where the leaves were trying to point him to, and found a certain phantom sitting on the edge of the warehouse's roof.

Conner wordlessly sat next to the white-haired boy, and began to watch the sunset's rays shine over the majority of the city.

      It's rays shined orange over some of the dull apartment buildings and houses, while red or blue became their shadows. Yellow highlighted some the taller buildings, and in the distance, Conner could make out what looked like a school. But what would've caught his eye, if not for enjoying the sunset, is a house in the distance with what looked to be a UFO or overly-sized satellite on top of it's roof.


Said person was snapped out of his thoughts and he glanced over to the teen next to him.

"What... What did I do to deserve this? What did I do wrong?" Danny mumbled.

Conner looked back to the sinking sun as he replied. "I don't know. But what I do know is that you're not alone in this. You have a real family with you, Danny... and that's all that matters."

Danny sighed and let a small smile appear on his face. "Thanks."

Conner smiled back, "You're welcome."

The two were silent for a moment before, "Damn... You really must've pissed off Fate this time..."

Danny was silent for a moment before he smirked and lightly punched Conner in the arm. "No shit, Sherlock."

Conner punched him back saying, "Language."

The other raised an eyebrow at his remark while smirking. "Don't be a hypocrite, Steve."

"I'll stop being a hypocrite as soon as you stop being a smart-ass."

The two couldn't help but laugh a little at their antics, causing any tension present to become nonexistent.

And that's the exact scene that Megan walked in on as she came onto the rooftop.

"Nice to see you two are having a nice time," she commented.

The two turned around with smiles on their faces. "Want to join us Megan? The view here is great," Danny offered.

Megan smiled apologetically at him, "Thanks for the offer, but no thanks. I actually came up here to tell you that dinner is almost done. Also Nightwing said that after we all eat, it'd probably be best if you show us around town, just so we can get a little familiar with it."

Danny continued to smile as he and Conner stood up and walked over to her. "Yeah sure. It might actually be a little fun too," the raven-haired teen said cheerfully.

      The Ghostly teen was the first to descend the stairs, but Megan held out an arm to stop Conner from going. "Is he alright?" she asked the other telepathically. Conner looked to where the teen had disappeared, "I think he's trying to put on a brave face so we don't worry. So the best we can do for him right now is just remind him that he doesn't have to do this alone. He has a real family now, in fact, I wouldn't object if Danny requests the Fentons and co. to go home or just stay out of the way."

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