Chapter 11

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Okay.... so.... Hi.

Yeah, I'm not dead and I'm fine (thank you for those that asked :) ). School has just been hectic, I'm preparing for colleges and applying to colleges, and applying to scholarships, and... stuff.

So... yeah... sorry. No seriously, sorry for putting you guys through my torture that is not updating when promised and hada hada hada.

Here's my present, a 4k+ word chapter as an apology.

Enjoy! :') :'D


Little by little, the Team had gotten out of bed and made their way to the kitchen. There was little to no conversation, even the greetings were brief as everyone ate their morning meal. It wasn't until about an hour later did Dick and Danny walk in.

Both had greeted the team, however, Danny was the only one to take a seat amongst the others.

Dick didn't even have to clear his throat to grab the attention of everyone as they all hushed in record time and gave him their undivided attention.

"Today we're going to start investigating. We will be split into three teams: Alpha, Beta, and Delta. Superboy, Kid Flash, Zatanna and myself are Alpha. Alpha is going to go to the most frequently attacked areas of the city to see if there is anything that the police might have overlooked. Impulse, Beast Boy, and Robin, you're Beta. Your job is to explore the city during the day and see if you can spot good watch posts. Miss M, Aqualad, and Artemis, you guys are Delta. You're going into the Ghost Zone with Phantom to speak with some of his allies in order to try to find more information as to what the enemy is planning. All teams, but Delta, are going to wear civilian clothing in order to have a better chance of our presence not being known. Als be sure to be on the lookout for any suspicious activity. We'll leave in an hour."

All the members nodded their heads and gave verbal confirmations, then turned back to what they were doing previously. It was at that moment that Jazz came into the room.

Her fiery orange hair was pulled back into a ponytail and wore a jumpsuit similar to Mrs. Fenton's. Strapped to her waist were a multi-pocketed belt with two gun holsters (both equipped with ecto-guns), one thermos, and two ammo cartridges. It appeared that she also had two wrist rays and a comm link in her right ear.

The older teen walked over to her sibling and started talking about the day's plans.

"I'm going to tag along with Danny. I know you may not feel comfortable with me being there. I know you're worried I'll get myself hurt or mess up the mission., however, you'll need someone else there that can handle ghosts if things get- 'out-of-hand'. I already gave Nightwing the locations of the most recent attacks and landmarks to investigate."

Danny was silent for a moment as he thought of a way to get his sister to stay with the main Team, but his mind went blank. The Halfa rolled his eyes and sighed, "Fine."

Jazz smirked at him, probably because she knew that Danny didn't have any excuse to say no.

Eventually, everyone grew bored and had decided to pass the time by listening to amusing stories about Danielle and Jazz living together.

"-and as she opened the door- WHAM! She was covered from head to toe in the green goo. I told her that I hope she learned her lesson in pranking me because I could a lot worse than some green goo. It took her hours to get the stuff off (since it was made to stick to ghosts even if they turned intangible), and after she got cleaned up, she apologized and told me she'd never prank me again."

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