Chapter One

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Ikram's POV

"Ikram!"I heard mama shout my name.

I was in the parlour watching TV with my siblings. I quickly stood up and went to her room.

"Na'am Mama kin kira ni."(yes mum you called for me)

"Come and sit next to me." She said.

I went over and sat next to her.I studied my mother's face. She had that kind of beauty that was really rare.With her big warm brown eyes that I inherited from her. My younger sister was always jealous of the way I looked so much like my mum. Some people even mistook my mum and I for sisters.

I snapped out of my momentarily trance and noticed my mum was intently looking at me. Now I was worried,she never looked at me that way unless she had important news to break to me.

I remember quite well when she wanted to break the news of my uncle's death to me.
My uncle usman and I were really close.You could imagine the shock I got when I heard of his death. I was in denial for a week untill I accepted that he was in a better place in sha Allah (if God wills).

So now that my mum was watching me with that same expression,I couldn't help but start getting the jitters. My mind started going to the worst of places. Was it my dad?did something happen to him? My dad travelled to his hometown katsina to visit my ill grandmother. As if my mum knew my mind was going elsewhere she spoke.

"Stop over thinking, it's nothing serious." She told me.

I relaxed a little bit. I couldn't help but ask her. My mind was going haywire . I couldn't handle curiosity. My elder brother Ahmad always told me my curiosity will land me in trouble one day. So I built up courage and asked my mum.

"Mama then what's the problem?"

"Ikram,you know you aren't getting any younger..."

As she said that, my heart began hammering. This wasn't about marriage was it?

"And you know Uncle Abdul's son Kabir has shown an interest in you,why don't you give him a chance and see how this goes."

I looked at my mum with shock. She said Kabir fa. No no no way.I can't marry Kabir. Kabir was the son of my dad's friend. He was a very spoilt brat. Every time he came to our house ,he always talks about his mum and all the materialistic things he had. No offence but he was too grown-up to keep clinging to his mum like that. I looked at my mum and said.

"Mama,you know how Kabir behaves." I whined. Displeasure written all over my face.

"Enlighten me please. How does Kabir behave? He's such a good boy."

Kabir. Good boy? Mama clearly didn't  know how things worked.

"Mama you know he behaves childishly,and how he's obsessed with material things. I don't like his character. And let me not add how he clings to mum for everything. How do you think someone like that is ready for marriage when he can't even take care of himself."

She looked at me and shook her head.

"Never really noticed those things about him. But what do you want me to do. You're not bringing any suitors."

"Mama,you know everything has its time. Just keep praying for me,the right person will come in sha Allah"

"Ikram kenan." Mama said.

I lowered my head,praying she doesn't talk about the issue anymore.

"Toh shikenan, Allah ya kawo nagari." (May Allah grant you the best of husbands)

"Ameen Ameen. Thank you Mama."

"It's nothing my dear. Go and boil my tea for me."

"Okay mama." I replied and stood up.

Mama was a diabetic patient and the tea she usually took was cinnamon tea. My grandfather told her to be taking it regularly because it helps decrease her sugar level. I really loved my mum and I couldn't imagine anything happening to her. I left her room and went over to the kitchen and caught Khadija taking meat from the pot. With her bare hand even. I fumed with anger.

"Khadija,what are you doing?!"

She looked really scared. She knew how I got when I lost my temper. That's right shiver in fear.

"Ya Ikram, I'm so-sorry." She said stuttering.

"Which sorry,even if you want to carry meat can't you use spoon? If this soup spoils, it's you and Mama and I'll make sure you're going to finish it. Leave this kitchen now."

I watched as she ran to the toilet banging the door knowing too well she wasn't coming out anytime soon. That girl is 13 and she doesn't want to grow up. I took a pot and washed it then added the dry cinnamon and water and some green tea bags. I took my phone to check my messages as I was waiting for the tea to boil.

I started going through my messages. Most of the messages were from groups. I didn't really have much friends and I preferred it that way.

That's when I saw a message from Kabir. Talk about the devil. He was asking me to meet up with him. He already knew my answer why bother asking. I just rolled my eyes and left him on read. I noticed the pot boiling and quickly turned it off. Then I poured the tea in a flask and called Khadija to take it to Mama.

"Aren't you the one mama assigned?" She said stubbornly.

This girl is really getting on my nerves.

"Do I look like I'm joking with you? Come on collect this flask and take it to mama."

She was still frowning her face looking at me.

"If you don't collect this flask now I'll tell Mama what you did few minutes ago."

She continued frowning at me. I know she didn't like me using things against her but she was so stubborn. She collected the flask and with that stupid frown in her face, took the flask to Mama's room grumbling. I face palmed. "Urgghh siblings."

Heyy wattpaders,thanks for taking your precious time to view my story. I hope you'll stick with me to the end.
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