Chapter Fifteen

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Dedicated to pharydeerh and faaiza_abbkr
Also check out faiza's book 'it all began with one lie' and thank me later😘

Ikram's POV

I woke up today with a new hope. A vibrant energy. I had no idea where they came from but I could feel it all around me. I had decided to take life a little more lightly. Yes I was married and the man I was married to doesn't seem to care about me. I just had to be a little more understanding and hopefully he'll come around. Before then,I'll be the perfect housewife. I don't care how he treats me anymore. I know it was easier said than done but I was willing to try. I just hoped that my one sided feeling was going to be enough for both of us. I won't give up on him. He had clearly been through a lot that made him the way he was and slowly I'll get through him.

Ya Allah,please make it easy for me.

I opened my side drawer and brought out my diary. I couldn't remember the last time I wrote in it. Might as well pour my heart out. I took out my pen and began to write.

15th September,2016

Dear diary,

It's been long I wrote to you and many things had happened. Like surprise surprise I'm married. Surprising right? I know I know too early,but fate has its own ways. I'm married to Adnan,Zahra's brother that I once told you about. Yeah my crush,him. I should be happy right?but why am I not? Sometimes I feel like breaking down and shouting but what good will that do for me. It's just two days into my wedding and I assure you it's not all rainbows and unicorns. We hardly speak and I always avoid him. But do you think I should try harder? I don't even know what to do and even though it's too early,I feel like I'm starting to fall in love with him. I don't understand how I can fall in love with someone who doesn't even give me a second glance,but the heart wants what it wants. I wish he'd give us a chance and forget about whatever past that keeps haunting him. I want this to work so bad that I'm willing to try. I'll fight for us even though I'll be the one to get hurt. And one day I hope he'll feel the same way about me too. Goodbye dearie,till I write to you again and that'll be often.

I closed the diary and kept it under my pillow and felt at ease. Sometimes I even forget how writing in my diary helped ease what ever I was going through.

I never got the chance to explore the house,so I did just that. Passing away time before it was time for the dinner at Zahra's place. I'm even looking forward to it now because on the bright side, I'm gonna spend time with my best friend. We've got a lot of catching up to do.

I was about to go down the stairs when I heard a sound coming from Adnan's room. Sounded almost like sobbing. I made my way to the direction of his room and yes he was crying.

Oh my God,what could've made him cry? I thought.

I could feel my heart constrict at the thought that he was in so much pain. I so badly wanted to go in there and hold him tight,consoling him but then I remembered his rules but damn to hell with his rules.

I opened the door and made my way inside his room. My first time in his room. The first thing that greeted me was black,everything was dark. I spotted his shadow on the bed laying down. He was sleeping and having nightmares I think. I had to wake him up. I went over and shook him but he didn't budge. Tears were streaming down his face as he was whispering "No,please No,don't leave me." I shook him harder and he finally jolted awake and startled me by pulling me and hugging me tight. I could feel my face go warm but this was not the time. I held him tightly and let him cry while I whispered soothing words in his ear. When his crying died down,I think he realized what he was doing and he immediately let go of me,I felt empty when his arms left me but I kept a straight face.

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