Chapter Fourteen

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Picture of Adnan

Adnan's POV

I woke up late not having to worry about going to work because I'm on leave due to my so called wedding. I insisted on going to work but Abba said I'm on two weeks leave. Like seriously?I'm the boss.

The events yesterday was tiring. Who knew a wedding could be this stressful. Even though we insisted on just a simple thing,Zahra had to make it kinda big. The nerves of this girl.

Yesterday after everything I went to Bambi's room to find her already fast asleep with streaks of tears falling down her beautiful face. My heart constricted at the thought that I'm the one causing her so much pain. I brushed a loose stray of her hair and whispered. "Do you detest me so much that you cry even asleep and look in so much pain?" I don't like seeing women cry no matter how much I can't stand their presence. "I'm sorry Bambi that I can never be the man you deserve." I said kissing her forehead then left the room.

I snapped out of my daze when I head a loud clattering coming probably from the kitchen. I didn't bother putting on a shirt and went down to check. I went into the kitchen and saw Bambi still in her pyjamas trying to rearrange cooking pots that fell from the cabinet. I stood there watching her while she was oblivious to my presence. She finished rearranging and turned and that's when our eyes met. She looked from my face down and I guess she realized I was shirtless then turned her face blushing.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up. Just trying to prepare breakfast." She explained her voice timid.

I just nodded at her and went to the living room. I heard her sigh from the kitchen. I was watching the television when she came in.

"The food's ready." She said.

I nodded again and she left. I stood up and went to the dining table and sat down. She was about to go upstairs when I stopped her.

"Where do you think you're going?"

She turned."Excuse me?"

"Aren't you having breakfast?"I asked not wanting to sit alone and kind of craving her presence.

"Uhm. .I'm not really hungry. I'll eat later." She said and turned to leave.

"Come and have breakfast with me." I said with an authoritative voice and she kind of jumped clearly scared. I slapped my head mentally congratulating myself for scaring her instead of being a loving husband.

She immediately came and sat down not making eye contact with me. I served my food which was fried chips with egg sauce. The food looks delicious though. I took my first bite and almost moaned at how such a simple food could taste so delicious. I raised my head and bambi was looking at me consciously maybe trying to see my reaction towards the food.

"Do you like the food?" She asked quietly.

"It's okay." I simply replied even though I wanted to tell her how delicious it was but something always stops me from saying what I really felt.

She nodded her head and served her food. I noticed she served just a little. Maybe like five pieces of chips. Maybe she isn't much of an eater.

"That's all you're eating?" I asked.

"Yeah,told you I'm not really hungry." She said. But from looking at her I knew she was hungry and just didn't want to eat in my presence.

I dropped my fork,went over to her side of the table and served a large serving spoonful of chips on her plate and she gasped shaking her head.

"No no no. I can't eat all that. I said I'm not hungry."

"If you don't finish it I'm going to have to feed you and we both don't want that, so now eat." I said cringing at the thought of feeding her. No offence though, not just used to that kind of stuff.

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