Chapter Four

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Adnan's POV

  It's safe to say that I was kinda scared of girls. They are like this fragile piece of china that you're scared to hold too tight to. Because if they're held too tight,they're going to break. The only females I could stand was Umma, Zahra and her before things changed.

Her. It had been long I thought of her. I thought that i wouldn't have to think about her after that incident four years ago. I shut her out of my mind. But seeing Zahra's friend yesterday,what was her name again? Ilham or what? Ikram, yeah. Ikram reminded me of her. They were so alike that for a moment there I thought it was her. But I know it couldn't be her. She...

"Ya Adnan, Abba is calling you." Zahra's annoying voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Okay,I'll be right there." I told her.

I stood up and went to Abba's room. I saw Zahra and Umma all seated. Was something wrong?

"Abba,Umma ina wuni." I greeted.

"Lafiya lau." They answered

I sat on the floor next to Umma and asked Abba why he called for me.

"Abba ka kirani."

"Yes Adnan, I called for you. I want to talk about something very important."

My heart literally stopped when he said that.

"You know I'm getting older now and this office work is really stressing me out. And since you studied business administration,I would like to hand over the company over to you." He continued.

I exhaled a deep breath I didn't know I was holding. I thought it was something serious.

"Okay Abba,no problem. I'll do my best and not let you down."

"But,there's a problem." Abba said.

The tone in his voice was scary. It was like you have to do it and you have no choice. I tried to keep my face neutral.

"Abba,what's the problem?"

"I spoke with my business partners but they all disagreed. They said you are too young to look after the company."

"But Abba,I have all the experience."

"Yes I know but they feel that you're still not responsible. So I decided to get you married. It is the wisest choice thing to do."

At that,all the blood in my face drained. My blood ran cold. I wasn't listening to what he was saying anymore. My mind just went blank. I looked over to Umma. She gave me a sad smile. Zahra's face was pale,why was she even affected. I was the one who's going be forced to get married.

"But Abba..I'm not. .."

"No buts. You're a grown man now. You have to learn to take responsibilities and the only way you can is if you are responsible for someone." He said.

"And I give you a month to bring a bride home. If not,I'll marry you off to Baba Danjuma's daughter in the village. There's no time to waste. I need to retire to go for treatment later on."

I couldn't even speak. I nodded my head and excused myself from the room.

Many things were running in my head. Marriage. I wasn't ready for marriage. I didn't even date since her. I couldn't  stand women. How could I live with a woman for the rest of my life? I was too broken to love again. I wasn't capable of love.

How can those business associates dictate that I wasn't not responsible. I didn't need a wife to prove that i was responsible. The whole logic didn't even make sense to me. I just graduated. I had so many plans but now they've ruined my future. They've tied me down.

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