Chapter 1: New Character

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"Master!! She knows!! She already knows!!", Duke said. My servant.

"Who are you referring to?" I asked him.

"Master Kyle!! The girl!! The beloved princess of the Cortez Twins!! She knows it already!!"

"Knows what exactly? The feelings they have for her or the vampire secret?" I asked my panicky servant.


"Hmmm.. Seems interesting.. Do you think it's time for me to appear? I bet Len and Ren would be surprised when they see me, huh?" I said and grinned.

I can't wait to see them. Hahahahaha!

I'm going to make things complicated again!


"Hey~ You haven't touched your food yet. Are you sick or something? Do you want me to take you to the clinic?" Shiela said.

I think my mind drifted into mid-air that I forgot I have lunch to eat.

"Sorry. A thought just came to mind", I excused myself.

"Heh? About what?"

"Nothing. Let's just eat. Classes will start soon", I said and started eating.

"Tsk. Nothing? Really now?" I heard her murmur.



We're in the middle of discussion when someone knocked on the door of our room.

"Excuse me, may I excuse Ms. Inori Rivera?" said by a cute guy who peeked at the door.

Me? Who is he and what does he want from me?

Murmurs started to fill the room.

"Wow, he's cute!!!"

"Is he Inori's boyfriend? I didn't know she has a boyfriend."

"I thought Ren's her boyfriend."

"Is he a student here?"

"It's the first time I've seen his face."

Stop it. He's not my boyfriend. It's the first time I've seen his face either!

"Hey. Who is he? I didn't know you have a boyfriend", Shiela stated.

"I don't."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I don't know who he is and definitely, I don't have a boyfriend."

"Ms. Rivera, you have a visitor. You are excused", Mrs. Hilario said.

I guess I have no choice.

I stood up and went towards the door.

"How may I help you?" I asked, but instead of answering me, he started dragging me, looked at my teacher and shouted:

"I'll be borrowing her for quite a while. Thank you!"

And he started running. Of course I had to run, too, or else I'll trip.



After running for almost 20 minutes, we finally reached our destination. The rooftop.

"Hey!! Who the heck are you?! And why did you drag me here?!" I demanded answers.

Who wouldn't?! I mean, someone whom you've seen for the first time, drag you out, made you run for 20 mins., without saying anything!

"Hahahaha!!! I didn't know you're the 'princess'. Hahahaha!! I must say, I was expecting something else. I'm quite disappointed", he said and continued laughing.

What the heck?!

I'm really pissed off right now!!! Princess?! What the hell?!

I couldn't take it anymore. I turned back and was about to leave when he got a hold of my hand.

"Let me go! I have classes to attend to!!" I said as I tried removing my hand from his grip.

"Wait up. Who told you that you could leave?" his voice suddenly turned serious.

"I don't want to waste my time on you!"

Finally, my hand got free from his grip. I turned away and was about to walk when he said something that interested me.

"I thought those twins told you everything already?"

"They did.."

"Really? Then that saves me energy. Come, let's go now."

Go? To where? Ugh!!

He reached out his hand. But I just looked at him like 'what?!'.

"I thought those two already told you everything. This is the time where you take my hand and both of us would go back to the mansion", he stated.

What are you talking about???

I raised an eyebrow as I looked at him.

"Princess, come on."

"I don't really go with strangers. And my brother will get mad if he finds out."

"I'll tell you EVERYTHING."



I felt danger was coming.

Me and Ren went to see Inori to make sure.

"Where's Inori?" Ren asked Inori's friend.

"Oh. Her boyfriend was here to fetch her."

Boyfriend?! What boyfriend?! The last time I checked, she doesn't have one.

"Boyfriend?! What boyfriend?!" Ren asked, obviously shocked.

"I really don't know his name."

Sht. I immediately grabbed Ren's arm and ran for the rooftop.

His power grew stonger in just a minute so it was easier to detect.

"He's strong", I heard Ren said.

"We have to hurry. She's with him", I said and ran faster.


But it was too late. Upon arriving, I saw her holding his hand as they float.

"Inori!!!!! No!!!!!!" Ren shouted.

Inori just looked at us, as both of them faded in thin air.

Sht. How dare you!

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