Chapter 2: Guardians

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The council have decided. And I can't believe they gave me this responsibility. My life would have been easier if it wasn't decided like that.

Oh dear. I hope I could survive living among humans for a long period of time.


"Master, it's time" Duke said.

"I'm coming. Set the table." I ordered.

"Yes, master." He said and left.

I went towards the door to meet up with our guests  They'll be here in a few seconds.


I heard the horses gallop and neigh, tires screeched.

They've arrived.

I opened the door and greeted them with a smile.

"Welcome to the Vampire's Lair, your highnesses", I said with an unfading smile.

"Vampires really hate cleaning, huh?" The young prince said.

"Why are we here again?" asked my lovely princess.

"Later you'll know", said the King.

After hearing what her father said, her frown grew.

"Please, come in", I said and showed them the dining room.


"Duke, are the preparations done?"

"Yes, master Lester."

"You've done a good job", I praised him.

"T-thank you, Master Lester."

It may not look like it, but we cleaned the mansion for time ago. I ordered Duke to take care of cleaning the dining room and the food to be prepared for this day.


After waiting, my guests have arrived.

I bowed as they enter the dining area.

"Welcome to our mansion", I greeted them as I bow down.

I invited them to the table.


"So, why are we here again?" said the princess.

"Oh yeah. I forgot. From today onwards, you'll be living with these guys in front of you", the King said as we ate our dinner.

Both the prince & the princess were shocked after hearing what their father has to say.

"I object!" Both said as they stood.

"Do you know about this?" the princess asked her brother.

"I'm as shocked as you are. Of course I didn't know about this", her brother said.

"It was decided by the council. Nothinf can be done, now", the King said once again.

"I objected and insisted for you to stay with us. But, it was already decided. There's nothing more I could do", the Queen spoke.

"Brother's coming with me, isn't he?"

"No. Unfortunately, you're brother was directed to someone else. He'll leave as soon as his guardian arrives to this country", the King said.

"What?!" both the siblings said in unison.

I guess both really didn't had any idea about the training.

I feel sorry for both of them.

"Me? Guardian? What's this all about?" the prince asked.

"Are you saying I'll be living with this guy?" the princess asked.

"You guys will be under what we call 'guardians', to train and teach you about the things you need to know before inheriting the throne", the King stated.

"And you'll be under them because we'll have to be hands-on on balancing peace in both worlds", the Queen continued.

"Don't worry. You're not going to live in this mansion. We have a vacant mansion near your school. That mansion is well-maintained by mom's best servants so there's nothing to worry about when it comes to your environment", I said.

"Pfft. . I don't care!" the princess exclaimed.

"And I'm SERIOUSLY not letting my sister live with vampires!" the prince yelled.

"Aoi! Inori! Enough!" the King said with full authority. "The two of you will live with your assigned guardian! And that's final! Stop adding stress to me and to your mom! Understood?!"

Everyone became mute. And the siblings wore a frown and nodded.


Time flew by quickly. His and Her Majesty had to leave together with the Prince. The Princess?She's staying with us tonight. She tried negotiating with her parents, but unfortunately for both of us, they still insisted of her staying with us for the night.


"Duke! Show the Princess to her room", I ordered.

"Yes, master." He said and turned to the princess, "Your highness, come with me."

The Princess stood there staring at me.

"Don't worry about your room. It's sparkling clean", I said and smiled at her.

"I'll take her to her room", Kyle presented himself.

I noddded and turned my back and started walking towards the room.

But right before entering my room, I said to those two, "Both of you will follow my orders. No, but's."

"I'll be in command since I'm both your guardian."


"Sorry about his attitude. I guess that's what happen to people who lived for so long and witnessed so many partings and deaths", Kyle apologized in place of his brother.

Can you believe that guy? Saying we should follow his orders?! I'm the PRINCESS, AM I NOT?! Ugh!

We're currently at my assigned room.

This room is like as he said, sparkling clean.

I guess vampires clean their lair every once in a century, huh?

"It's alright, I guess", I said to Kyle.

"Well, have a good sleep my princess", he said and winked at me before leaving my room.

I hope so.

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