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Author's Note:

Hello reader, thanks for choosing to check this story out,I really appreciate the support.

Yours sincerely,

Ava Ford

"That was tiring." Julia groaned as she rolled out her sore muscles with a roughly cut PVC pipe from the nearby hardware store.

Andy nodded, dropping into a split. She savored the wonderful stretch in her aching legs. Madame Carolyn had focused on jumps today, draining everyone's energy.

"It should be illegal, you know?" McKayla said, typing out a quick reply to her mother's text.

"What should be illegal?" prompted Julia, used to McKayla's habit of constantly dropping the conversation in favour of whatever caught her attention, such as the game she was currently playing.

Tossing her phone into the wide mouth of her open duffle, McKayla huffed, yanking out her elastic in frustration. "Candy Crush is giving me the worst suggestions possible," she whined, running her fingers through her curly raven hair.

"Tragic," remarked Julia without a shred of sympathy.

Andy laid belly down on the studio floor, watching her friends. Her brain was fried from all the jumping combinations and she was struggling to stay awake.

"I don't ever want to move," said Andy as rested her chin on her folded arms.

"Andy, you look fine," retorted Julia. "You just need dinner."

"Anyway, doing jumps for an entire lesson should be illegal," McKayla finally finished as she pulled out a khaki green top from her duffle and pulled it on over her flawless olive skin.

"Where are you going?" Andy trailed McKayla as she headed for the studio door with her bright yellow bag.

"I need to go home and clean myself up – family dinner with my grandmother." She opened the door. "See you tomorrow!" McKayla almost slammed the door on her hand as she waved 'goodbye'.

McKayla was one of the few students who stayed close enough to the school to have the freedom to go home every day. Other students like Julia and Andy were left to the rooms provided by the school.

Julia unclipped her bangs and allowed her golden waves to ripple down her back. She pulled on a floral dress over her leotard then helped Andy zip up her romper.

They walked back to their dorm and took the lift with the boys from the year above them. It was awkward for Andy to say the least. Julia kept giving her suggestive looks, wiggling her brows and smirking.

"I call dibs on the shower!" said Andy as she ran down the hallway with her duffle bumping against her side.

Julia let out a cry of anguish as she hurried to catch up. Reaching the door first, Andy threw it open and bolted straight for the toilet.

"It's for a good cause," yelled Andy as she locked the bathroom door.

Grumbling, Julia retreated, heading back to her room to stretch out and wait.

In the academy, four students shared a dorm, their rooms opening into a communal lounge with a couch and a television. The lounge was connected to the bathroom and a little kitchen with a stove, microwave, and oven.

After showering, Andy put on a pair of – accidentally – ripped, bleached skinny jeans and a grey cotton shirt. Pulling on a maroon sweater, she grabbed her phone and room keys before bolting out of the dorm.

As she ran, she fought the urge to shiver in the chilly autumn wind blew across the circular courtyard. Her boots echoed against the lonely path. The empty branches of the trees reached up to the sky, creating a jigsaw of clouds that foreshadowed a heavy downpour.

Andy passed a boy in a red cap and bright yellow shirt on her way into the Brew House. She hopped behind the counter and put on the apron.

"Hey Deacon, was that the delivery guy?" she whispers as soon as she reached his side.

"Of course," he smiled, placing the last of the milk cartons and whipped cream into the freezers under the countertops.

"Charged it to the shop?"

He rolled his eyes. "Do I look like I can pay for it?"

Andy ruffled his cropped, brown hair before she moved to wash her hands thoroughly. As she does so, a customer waltzes up to the cash register.

"Can you get that?" asked Deacon. "I need to use the bathroom."

After drying her hands, Andy gave the customer a bright smile as she walked over to take the order. "What can I get you?" she asked, picking up the permanent marker by the cups.

She noted down the person's order on the cup, a low fat, soy hot chocolate with half sugar. Smoothly, Andy took her money and rang it up on the register before moving to prepare the drink.

Hastening her actions, she hurried to prepare the drink for Jessamin, the best dancer in the graduating cohort. She was so good that a teen magazine got her to do a photoshoot and an interview. Jessamin walked over to the pick-up counter with an easy grace.

"Thanks, Adrianne," she said, reading off Andy's nametag. "You're the best." Jessamin had a light Texan accent that had been watered down by her many years in the Academy of the Arts.

Smiling shyly, Andy mopped up a little dot of milk. "I prefer 'Andy'."

"Well, do me a favour," she said with a small smile. "When you get famous, use 'Adrianne' – it's a lovely name."

"Alright, enjoy your drink."

Andy took the used equipment to the sink, instructing Deacon to wash them. He grumbles, but does so, giving her time to do some calculus homework.

Then the rain started, falling like a net, ensnaring anyone who was foolish enough to head out onto the open field. Andy stifled a groan as a couple began their heated make-out session as their clothes clung to their forms.

Beside her, Deacon whooped and when she turned to glare at him, he wriggled his eyebrows suggestively. Scooping up her eraser dust, Andy dumped it unceremoniously into his hair. He shook it off like a child throwing a tantrum; and when he returned his gaze to her, Andy's stomach folded itself into non-existence and begged for sanctuary.

"I'm going to kill-"

"Hi, can I get a hot caramel mocha with soy milk?" One of the boys from the year above Andy interrupted Deacon mid-snarl.

Andy muttered, "Soy's all we have." as she typed in his order.

Before she could snap at him, Deacon was by her side, putting all the necessary ingredients on the countertop. He whistled as he mixed up the drink.

Shaking her head, Andy went back to her homework. She suspected that Deacon was somewhat bi-polar.

A boy entered the shop, pulling his wet beanie off his head. Andy took his order for a decaf coffee immediately.

"Here you go," she handed him the coffee and a stack of tissues to dry his laptop off.


"Don't mention it," she said, going back to her homework.

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