Chapter Twenty-Four

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Andy could barely stay awake during the final debrief for their Winter Waltz. Ethan and his roommates had hosted an after party after the after party and McKayla and Julia had forced her and Casillith to go.

Beside her, Julia snoozed, her head resting against Andy's shoulder. As Principal Richard talked, she kept her fingers crossed that Julia would not snore – or worse, drool.

McKayla did not look too good either. Her skin was looking dull and she had her lips in a bulldog-like pout. The only one who was wide-awake was Casillith who drank coffee so rarely that just a cup of it in the morning could keep her powered for the entire day.

As Richard Kensington wrapped up his speech, the students began to clap – a way of saying 'great talk, now leave us be'. Madame Carolyn dismissed them for lunch and everyone cleared out like a bunch of zombies.

Lee came over to find Casillith and gave her a hug.

"You did well," he said.

Casillith smiled more to herself. "You were a fantastic prince."

"Only for a fantastic princess." He turned to look at McKayla, Julia, and Andy. "Do you guys think she should go for a special dinner with me tonight?"

Julia shrugged and thought for a moment, but McKayla beat her to answer Lee.

"You've been waiting for long enough and we now deem you worthy. Bring her out for sushi – Cass loves that stuff."

Lee's smile was contagious. "I'm going to be the prince you deserve," he promised before offering Casillith his arm.

Grinning back at the trio, he waved as he led Casillith out of the auditorium.

"I wonder what we'll do with our little Cassie," mused Julia.

"We can always go into town, I know a great place for lunch," said Andy.

McKayla looked up from her phone. "Well, lead the way, I'm starving."

Ethan was already at his mother's cosy corner when the girls arrived. He pulled the correct number of menus out from beneath the little stand and led them to a small booth by the window.

"Just wave me over when you've decided what you want," he said.

It was not too long before he brought over three bowls of beef stew and a serving of grilled chicken for himself. He joined them at the table, sitting with Andy.

"My mother watched the last show and she said that Casillith was great as Cinderella."

Julia grinned. "Cass is perfect, there's no denying that."

Not one to let a conversation stop her, Andy was already shovelling the beef stew into her mouth.

"Seriously, you train like an athlete but that doesn't mean you get to pig out." McKayla rolled her eyes.

"I'm offstage, I can be myself, and I am a pig – there's no hiding that."

"Well," said Julia to Ethan. "That's your crush for you. She's downright disgusting and proud of it."

Julia and McKayla left after lunch to shop at the little stalls lining the streets. Andy got up to follow them, but Ethan stopped her.

"We have to talk, remember?" he asked.

Sighing, she sat down and untangled herself from her bag.

"Andy, you know how I feel about you... and us."

Somehow, she could not bring herself to look him in the eye. Instead, she kept her gaze firmly out of the window, watching a mix of the townspeople and students from the academy pass.

"Please, just give me a chance," he said.

Andy rested her head in her hands, observing the far wall. "I'm not ready for something like this. Are you even sure about how you feel?"

"One date, I'll take you out for a movie and dinner and-"

"Ethan please, I can't."

"Why? Is it because of my previous relationship? I didn't mean for that, I was just my stupid immature self and I've ruined it between Charlie and me, but I won't hurt you, I promise."

He slid out of the booth and offered Andy a hand. After bidding goodbye to his mother, they began the journey back to the school.

"Think about it, will you?" he begged as they reached the side gate that faced the town.

"You know what, Ethan?" she said. "Fine, I'll go out with you. How does tomorrow night sound?"

His facial expression was pure disbelief. "Tomorrow?" he stuttered.

"I get off work at five, so I'll see you then."

With that, she left him shell shocked in the dorm lobby.

Andy had a shift with Deacon at the Brew House and it was a slow day for them. Jade had returned to bake but their menu had been reduced so that she did not have to spend too much time baking.

It was a slow day since everyone was either packing or out in town with their friends. Some groups hung around in the café, ordering a cup of coffee each before moving to sit in the armchairs.

One of the air-conditioning units had stopped working; it was the one right above the front kitchen. While the customers were enjoying the cool air, Andy and Deacon were melting in their white button-up shirts and jeans.

Deacon was drawing smiley faces on the cups to entertain himself while Andy counted the money in the cash register. They both raised their heads as the bells on the door chimed.

"We have some new recruits coming in," said Rachel. "Are you guys staying on campus during the winter break?"

Deacon nodded while Andy said, "I'll be going home for Christmas."

"I'll have Deacon and Sarah take four of them then," Rachel said. "They each get a week to learn the ropes and I want your feedback at the end of it. Andy, you'll have the other two to train when you get back."

"Who am I training?" asked Andy.

Rachel checked her list. "There's a boy from the School of Visual Arts and a girl from the School of Contemporary Dance."

"Well, I'll be back as soon as I can," saidAndy. Then she looked at Deacon. "Try not to scare them off before I get back."    

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