Chapter Two

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Andy made her entrance at exactly the right moment, just when Sarah was struggling on her own with the huge Saturday morning crowd. People were starting to get impatient in the queue. It was the beginning of her biggest nightmare and it was going to become a reality is she did not do anything quick.

Hopping behind the counter she tied her apron as fast as she could before heading to the cashier counter to take a couple of orders. Sarah was too busy to acknowledge her presence as they mixed up drinks together at the worktop.

"Where's Deacon?" Andy asked when they were down to the last few customers, doing a quick spider web design with the chocolate sauce and foam before handing the drink to the correct student.

"He's on a date with someone that he's very secretive about." Sarah smirked, her agile fingers dancing with the coffee machine.

"Who's the special girl?"

Andy did not get to hear Sarah's answer as she had moved to take the order of the last person.

"I'll be leaving now," said Jade as she dusted herself off and hung up her apron. "There are more cookies cooling on the rack, but they're officially my last batch."

Setting down the iced tea on the pick-up counter, Andy turned to look at her, asking, "Is this your last day?"

Jade nodded with a sad smile. "Graduating year has too many projects and competitions."

"Good luck, I'll see you around," Andy said, giving her a big hug.

"The new baker should be coming in tomorrow, don't scare him off."

"Don't worry," Andy grinned. "I'll be here tomorrow to welcome him."

Around twelve, Deacon returned from his date and Sarah left for her music classes.

"How was your date?" asked Andy, giving Deacon a knowing smirk.

It was hard to tell whether his face was flushed from running or embarrassment, but Andy was ready to bet her bottom dollar on the latter. He looked down and went back to pouring the cocoa out of the packet into the container on the worktop.

"We're running out of cookies, could you get the rack on the kitchen counter?" said Andy as she walked over to the worktop with an order for one of the many blends of different teas they offered.

Andy pressed the porcelain mug to the hot water dispenser, humming to herself as she waited for it to fill up. Then she dropped in three different tea bags and placed it on a saucer with two packets of both sugar and creamer before setting it on the pick-up area.

It was ten when the day finally ended for the Brew House – not Andy. She worked with Deacon to clean up the shop, scrubbing down the countertops, wiping the tables and chairs, and mopping the floors.

They cleared the bins and while Deacon took out the trash, Andy packed up the leftovers, refrigerating the cakes and sugar cookies, but boxing up the bread and pastries.

Fred was waiting in one of the booths, playing a game on his phone as he waited to collect the leftovers. The buns and pastries would go to a charity eldercare home for their supper.

"Have a safe trip," Andy said, handing him the paper bag.

He looked up and away from his phone and mumbled a word of thanks, walking out. Deacon yelled 'goodnight' and got a half-hearted two-finger salute.

Andy watched as he walked to his bike, putting the bag into the compartment at the back. He put on his helmet and got on. Remembering her insane crush on him when she first started working here, Andy shook her head. She used to be crazy about him.

"I'll open tomorrow," she told Deacon as she slipped her keys into her bag.

The switches were all by the door and Andy flicked them all off as Deacon leaped over the round tables, humming the Mission Impossible theme as he scrambled to get to the door.

"So I can sleep in?" asked Deacon, breathless from the activity.

Andy rolled her eyes. "You wish."

She headed back to her dorm trying her best to wake herself up. There was an assignment due on Monday and she was planning to, at least, finish her research so that the essay would be easier to write the next day.

When she opened the door of her dorm, she found Julia and McKayla seated on the couch with their laptops. They were bundled in a thick blanket and had their earphones in as they typed away.

"Why are you staying over?" asked Andy as she slipped off her boots.

McKayla yanked out her earphones. "My dad said I could. Also, Julia and I are sharing information for the research."

"You know that's not allowed, right?"

Julia shrugged. "We're taking different stands."

"Whatever works for you," said Andy as she walked to her room.

After taking a quick shower, she went to the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea and get a plate of cookies. Then, retreating to her room, she pulled out her laptop, notebook, and a magazine she had found on the protection of wildlife.

The research took a while. Andy worked until her battery died then abandoned the thought of homework, leaving her laptop to charge while she finished her tea and cookies.

Outside, she could hear McKayla's constant yawning. Eventually, McKayla headed to her room to change into her pyjamas.

After finishing the last cookie, Andy dusted the crumbs off her bed and onto the plate. She stacked the mug onto the plate and prayed hard that it would not fall as she opened the door.

"Are you going to sleep?" asked Julia, stretching her arms. She watched as Andy washed the mug and plate.

"I'm bone tired. I can't do anymore."

"Alright," Julia turned back to her work. "Remember to put on your facial mask."

Andy scoffed, "No way."

"Yes way, your skin is about to peel from the dry air," insisted Julia. "You'll thank me later," she sang.

She walked into the bathroom, picking up her toothbrush and the almost empty tube of toothpaste that she did not have time to replace. Hurting her cold fingers in the process, she squeezed out the last bit before tossing the tube into the trash.

Julia was not going to let her off. As she exited the bathroom, Julia's arm flopped over the back of the couch, a moisturising mask snagged between her fingers.

"Fine," Andy grumbled as she ripped open the packaging.

"You look ridiculous," said McKayla as she stepped out of her room.

"Whatever." Andy rolled her eyes and walked back to her room.

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