Chapter One

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"Three and four – carry it to the back!" Madame Carolyn screeched, effectively scaring Andy who jumped as her leg was grabbed.

Madame Carolyn's long nails dug into her flesh, forcing her poor limb higher.

Andy bit her cheek, trying to ignore the pain as Madame's claws buried themselves into her thigh. When she let go, Andy's muscle cramped up, forcing her to bend over to nurse it.

"Andy!" The shrill shriek came from across the studio.

Andy winced, straightening up to look meekly at Madame Carolyn.

"What are you doing?" Madame hissed, as she closed in on Andy.

She stood silent, feeling the cramp disappear. Her brain was on overdrive as she panicked.

"Americans," muttered Madame as she went back to the front of the class.

She called the class into the centre, starting the turns - the turns of torture. Andy groaned internally.

"Today we just had to do turns," grumbled McKayla as she joined Andy at the front of the line.

Mckayla was not a technical dancer, yet her expressiveness was enthralling enough to leave the audience breathless. Adjusting her white lace leotard, McKayla stepped into the preparatory position and so did Andy.

Waiting the three counts obediently, they launched into a big jump, before moving into the quick turns and ending with a flourish. With the final spin, Andy ended up where she started with her muscles just a little more worn out than usual.

She bent over, resting her hands on her knees, feeling the sweat stream down her back. Andy's favourite leotard was soaked, the straps becoming a bother. She should have elected to wear a simpler one, perhaps the number with the zip-up front and black trimming. It would have been a lot easier to move and-

"Are you alright?" asked her dance partner, Austin.

"Just questioning my poor outfit choices," she said, breathless.

"You're pale."

"Gosh, Austin, why don't you go tell everyone about their complexion issues!" she exploded.

"If you're on your monthly nasty, just say so." He huffed and returned to his corner.

"Andy! You're up!" Casillith Fletcher waved her into the spot before her, and Austin took his place as well.

"Thanks Cass," said Andy as she took her place.

Without any hesitation, Andy leapt up onto the blocks of her pointe shoes – thankfully not missing – before starting a series of a mixture of turns that she probably did not get right. However, Andy's movements were sharp and fast enough to get Madame off her back.

Austin patted her on the back – hard. Her aching stomach lurched forward and she resisted the urge to whack her dance partner in retaliation. However, her low energy level did not permit her chasing him around.

"You did well," he said.

"You too, Aussie," she said in reply, her breathing starting to return to normal.

After class, she woke herself up with a cold shower and headed to the Brew House to start her shift.

"Deacon, hurry up!" she barked as she served up her fifth drink.

"It's a labour of love!" he argued over the noisy buzz of the café as he swirled the chocolate sauce around the foamy milk.

"Well, I don't love your labour," snapped Andy. "Now speed it up! Move, move, move-"

"Hi, I really need to rush off for class, do you mind?" A boy with a large canvas resting against his hip smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck and looking a little flustered as he asked, "Am I interrupting something?"

He gave an anxious chuckle, setting off a nervous chain reaction in Andy. She smiled back, grimacing mentally. Inside, she wanted to kick herself; she was such a dork.

"Not at all," she finally spoke up. "Can I get you anything?"

She would have slapped herself if not for the art major standing before her. Of course, she had to get him something; he would not be queueing if he did not want anything.

"I'll have a sparkling raspberry lemonade." He got out his student card.

Andy forgot that he was not a ballet student and let the question slip. "Would you like less sugar or soy?"

"We don't really have restrictions on that," he said with a light laugh.

She nodded, mortified at herself, and scanned his card before mixing his drink.

"See you around, Adrianne." He gave her another grin that made her knees go weak as he left.

"Anytime," she said, always too late for the moment.

Deacon slammed the cup and saucer onto the pick-up counter, proclaiming, "I'm done!"

"Well?" she raised an annoyed brow. "Give it to the customer," she prompted, treating Deacon like a child.

"Actually... can you pass it to her for me?" He nodded to the girl seated by the window who was wearing a navy beanie.

She was hunched over her charcoal sketch, her blonde hair escaping the hook of her ear to create a curtain that veiled her face.

"Lazy bones," muttered Andy as she put the cup onto a tray and rested a spoon on the saucer.

She delivered it to the girl who gushed on and on about how 'adorbs' the latte art was. Andy shifted her weight from one foot to another, holding the tray tucked under her arm. Quickly, she bolted when the girl dug around in her bag for her phone and mumbled something about Instagram.

She stayed on for another hour, taking orders, making drinks, and washing the equipment. Then when the clock read two in the afternoon, she took off her apron and went to the back to get her bag.

"Deacon, I need to go. Sarah should be here soon, try not to burn the place down."

"I make no promises," he said, frothing up some milk.

Pushing her sore legs, Andy poured on the speed, racing to class. The chilly wind nipped at her nose and burnt her lungs, but she pressed on.

She barged in about ten minutes late, announcing, 'I'm here' at the top of her lungs. Then she noticed the oppressive silence, furrowed brows, and bowed heads. Oh, there was a-

"Test!" Miss Rhodes hissed. "Be quiet, Adrianne Harper!"

Great, Miss Rhodes knew her full name...

She waved Andy to an empty desk, shoving a copy of the questions into her chest.

At first, Andy was fine; she started the first few pages with little hiccups. However, when she got to the back, panic set in.

She groaned, wanting to whack her head against the table. Taking a short break, she looked around. McKayla and Julia did not look too good either, both looking rather hesitant. Meanwhile, one of the boys had already fallen asleep.

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