Chapter Eighteen

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Aellius did not show up for work that morning. Rachel was at the headquarters attending a meeting so she was too far to help. Deacon had morning rehearsals and Sarah had her usual classes.

The bells that hung on the door jingled as Julia entered. Adjusting her yoga mat that was starting to fall, she headed to the counter.

"What's up, Andy? You look like death."

Running her hands through her baby hair, Andy pushed herself off the counter. "Eli isn't here. I've called him twice and he didn't pick up."

Julia sighed, and then perked up. "Let's go wake him then!"

"No Jules, bad idea, down girl."

She ignored Andy's objections and grabbed her hand, almost dragging her over the counter in her excitement.

From previous experience, Andy knew that Julia was not about to be persuaded to stop. Giving in, she took off her apron and slipped her phone into her pocket.

After locking down the café, she sprinted to catch up with Julia who was almost at the other side of the common green. The School of Culinary Arts lay just ahead, the main building shielding the dorms from view.

Without any hesitation, Julia walked around the side and into the dorms, getting into the main elevator and pressing the button for the fourth floor.

"Just saying," Andy huffed. "We don't even know which room Eli is in."

Julia rolled her eyes. "The names are always listed on the doors."

When the doors opened, she burst out of the elevator. Andy was mortified at what happened next; Julia was not about to follow her original, mature plan.

Instead, she took off down the hallway screaming, "Aellius Johnson, you suck!"

A few of the boys queuing to use the showers scrambled to cover up. One of them even slipped on the slick and fell on his way out of the stall.

"You're a prick and a manwhore, Aellius!" she added, angrily knocking on doors.

Andy followed behind, apologising profusely as she hurried to catch up with Julia.

When they got to the end of the corridor, Julia started pounding on the last door; the one closest to the stairs. Andy read the names on the door. Eli's was first.

"Aellius, you better come out right now, you bastard!" she shouted.

Someone cleared his throat behind her and Andy turned around. Choking on a scream, she tapped Julia's shoulder.

"There you are, you little asshole, I swear-"

"Did I sleep with you or something?" he asked, frowning.

That left Julia speechless – a rather rare sight. "What?" she spluttered.

Andy looked down, hiding her face from him.

"You're outside my room insulting me like a frustrated one night stand which is impossible on two counts."

Julia snapped, wagging her finger in his face as she interjected, "You listen here, you slimy-"

"One," he continued calmly. "I would never go for someone like you – too noisy."

Opening and closing her mouth like a fish, Julia's face was starting to turn a rather bright shade of red. Her dark bangs were matted with sweat and she looked like she was about to explode.

"And two, I never leave anyone unsatisfied."

"Shut up!" she screamed, catching the attention of anyone who was not already intently watching their exchange.

Faster than Eli expected, she wound her arm around the back of his neck and pulled him down to her level, forcing him to listen to her.

"You have a job to do – not that I care, but Andy's my friend and if you get her in trouble, then you'll have to deal with me." He began to chuckle, but Julia tightened her death grip on him. "And I'm not someone who lets things go lightly. I'm a cold-blooded bitch and proud of it."

She opened his door to reveal an empty dorm room and shoved him in.

"Andy, come on – and shut the door behind you," she ordered.

Humouring her, Eli sat himself down on the couch and Julia stood before him, hands on her waist. She shot him a stern look.

"You better clean up your act, pretty boy. I don't care what you do after your work hours; be it how high you get or how many chicks you bang, but as long as you have to show you, you better."

Eli rolled his eyes.

"And you better take me seriously, goddammit," she said, sucker punching him without hesitation.

Groaning, Aellius' collapsed back into the couch, his hands flying to his nose.

Andy could no longer stay silent. "Julia please, stop. Just leave, I'll handle it."

"You sure?" she asked, rubbing her knuckles.

Nodding, Andy stepped towards the couch.

"I'm watching you," Julia warned Eli, making the associated gesture.

Once Julia shut the door, Andy got a tissue from the box on the coffee table and passed it to him. However, all Eli did was bunch it up in his hands.

"You have to dab at your nose, stop the blood from dripping everywhere."

He let out another groan, ignoring her. Steeling her nerves, Andy got another tissue and leant forward, wiping at the fresh cut that Julia's rings had made.

"I must be crazy," she muttered to herself as she straddled his legs and pulled his hands away.

The bridge of his nose had started to swell and the blood was making Andy queasy. Pressing the tissue against his skin, she tuned out his cries and watched as blood seeped through the once-white material.

Eli's eyes were closed and his head slumped back against the couch. No longer resisting, his arms fell limp at his sides. Once the blood started to thicken, Andy took a plaster from the stash in her phone case and applied it gently.

"It shouldn't rip open, but if it does, just wash it with water," she said softly.

Then, without thinking, she gripped both sides of his face and kissed him lightly. She pulled back, embarrassed and angry at her lack of self-control.

Before she could stand up, Eli's arms wound around her waist, keeping her still. He opened his eyes and gave her a lazy grin. "I am oddly irresistible, aren't I?"

"Shut up. We have to get to work."

He shook his head. "I'm not going until I get another kiss."

"Eli..." Andy trailed off as he gripped her chin, guiding her lips back to his.

Andy's mind turned to jelly and so did her legs. Her head screamed for her to stop, but all she wanted to do was feel the warmth of Eli's soft lips.

He pulled back but was not done, trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses down the side of her neck, tracing her collarbone with his scorching breath. She gasped as his hands slid up her sides, exploring the strong panels of her back and her soft belly.

With his hands spread across Andy's back, he pressed a final kiss to her throat that seemed to suck the air right from her lungs. Her eyes fluttered open a heartbeat too late. He regarded her smugly, smirking.

"I never leave anyone dissatisfied," he repeated.

Andy just rested her head in the curve of his neck, breathing hard.

"This cannot happen again," he said.

Standing up, Andy was unable to look him in the eye. She pulled up the falling sleeve of her jumper and turned towards the door.

"Let's go," she said tersely, letting herself out.

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