We Meet Chapter 1

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When it rains, it reminds me how my mother died.

its all her fault.

Also tells me why people stay away from me.

what a stupid girl.

They keep their distance.

she brings misfortune.

I'm always alone.

she should just die.

I guess I'm always the blame.

she's unlucky.


Chapter 1:

I woke up with tears falling from my eyes. I had another nightmare. I turned around to the edge of the bed and checked the time. It was 7:30 in the morning. I yawned and got out of bed. I quickly ran to the kitchen to make some breakfast. It was an ordinary morning just like all my mornings. Then I checked the calendar. It read September 8. The day was coming up fast. That day I was blamed for. That day that brought cries that are still around today. That day people stayed away from me. My friends and family hate me. "the day's in 1 week." I thought.

The day I brought misfortune.


I walked in school with my long light brown hair in one side, black skinny jeans with a greyish long-sleeve shirt and matching convers. I held my violet Jansport backpack  to one side also and walked down the hallway. Everyone went quiet. I could hear my foot steps walking faster. "What are they're staring at? does this have to be every morning?!" I sighed. I lowered my head getting my side bangs in my face.  Behind me I could hear whispers and gossip. "oh great, I hope they're having a great fucking time talking about me!" I thought sarcastically. I didn't really care what they thought about me. I promised my mom I would finish high school and graduate, so I'm goanna try my best to get over all the shit people are talking about.

Back to reality, I wasn't looking where I was going and bumped in to something warm and soft. But after a few seconds I realized I bumped into someone. I looked up to see a tall tannish guy. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes. He looked cute. But, of course, never in a million years take interest in me. But then everyone gasped. The guy looked at me in confusion and I blushed. I quickly said,

"Sorry. I wasn't looking."

I took a few steps forward to leave but someone grabbed my arm, pulling me back. I noticed he was the one who pulled me back to him .

" What's your name?" he asked in a smoothing voice.

 A bit confused I stuttered," C-Carolina." I looked down but then realized he was still holding my arm. He must have noticed too because he quickly let go and said sorry.

"I'm Adam by the way." he said. Adam later gave me a wink.

"Well umm.. Adam I must be going. class is in 4 minutes." I smiled and went running. I couldn't let that guy.... I mean Adam see me blush or let anything happen to him.

Because I'm still unlucky.

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