Good Gone Bad Chapter 11

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While Jocelyn, Hailey, and McKenzie went off skating, I was left alone with Alice.

"So enjoy it here much?" she asked.

"Um...yeah." I lied.

To be honest I don't skate. I don't know how and I don't know why I'm here. I'm hoping I'm not making my friends look bad. I'm hoping they are friends and won't ditch me.

"You sure?" She asked.

"Yeah just.....never mind."

"You wanna go skate now?" She asked.

"Nahh. I don't know how."

"I'll teach you." She said.

"I'll fall."

"But you still can get up, can you?" She asked.

"Yeah Bu-"

"No buts! Lets put on your skates and have some fun."She insisted smiling. I then noticed her braces.


Admitting defeat, I turned to get the skates and I put them on. Alice, already waiting for me to go to the rink, called me."Im coming!" I called back.I stood up carefully watching my balance. Then I walked slowly towards her, trying not to fall. When I arrived near the rink I was afraid to go down the step and fall."Don't worry Carolina," said Alice,"I've got you." The skates were freaking heavy. I later got a hold of Alice's arm and wobbled on the floor.

"Careful!" Alice said.

"I'm trying."

We were holding on to each other not worrying the people around us. we made it half way in a circle and stopped on the wall.

"Pretty good for a first timer!" laughed Alice.

"Thanks." I smiled.

I then noticed the young kids around. They were so good at skating! I felt jealous and embarrassed.

"Lemme try to do it myself." I said.

"Alright. Careful." she warned.

I moved myself, pushing off the wall, and rolled through the people around.

I'm doing it!

"Your doing it Carolina!" Alice happily said,"keep going!"

And I did. I skated around and by myself. I was so proud!Just then Jocelyn and McKenzie came by.

"Look at you!" laughed McKenzie.

"Your doing great!" smiled Jocelyn, giving me a thumbs up.

"Look over here guys!"

Hailey waved and lifted up here phone. "Say cheese!"

We all hugged each other smiling happily.


"I'll be right back," I called back at McKenzie.

"Alright! We'll be waiting!" she answered.

I made my way looking for the restroom. After taking that picture I wasn't looking where I was going and kinda fell badly. I just started to bleed from my knee. no shame.

"Ahh there it is!" I said to myself.

I went inside. I then looked at the messed up room. The toilet paper was every where and the walls were all scratched with writing on them. It seems no one was there so I turned on the water from the sink.

"Ughh." I groaned.

I washed the blood from my knee and and quickly turned off the water. I then got some paper towel and bended down for a wipe.

That's odd.

Blood streamed down my leg from my knee. I again rinsed my knee with water and then wiped it. But blood still dripped. "What the f-" I was cut off by the lights flickering on and off. I turned to see the switch perfectly on, still the lights flickered.

"Okay, I'm getting out of here." I said walking straight out the door.

I walked straight for the table where my friends were at but I bumped into someone. "S-sorry, I wasn't looking!" I suddenly said.

"Its alright Carolina." a familiar voice called out.

I realized who stood before me.

"Diego?" I turned to see a smirk on his face and dark hair.

"Hello again." He smiled.

"I didn't know you were here, did you barely came?" I asked.

"Umm...yeah!" He said.

"You wanna hang out? My friends are at the table right now." I insisted.

"Its okay I'm here with a couple of friends."

"Oh. Well, you said we can hang out anytime right?" I asked.

"O-oh! Yeah sure." He said focusing on his watch.

It was silent for a while. Then he said," Well ill catch up with you later!"

"Okay..." I said looking back at the table with laughing friends.

But as soon as looked back Diego was gone.

"Well he's an odd fellow. Well he's been like that since a child!" I told myself.

"Hey Carolina!" called Alice. "The pizza's getting cold hurry up!"

"Oh sorry!" I called back.

As soon as I sat down with the gang I felt a hard bang on my head. I looked down and my eyes widened. In my head I had a sharp flash back.

It was me in middle school, crying like a lost child.

I don't remember that when I was little.

Wait! There's more...

There was someone with me. Another girl? No....a boy with blood on his shirt. And another person laying on the floor. Was that blood coming out of her? Oh no. The boy, his eyes are dead red. He was coming towards me with his eyes clearing up. I now noticed they were dark....just like Diego's. He then smiled. Tears filled his eyes and my body shaking with fear.

Can't be.

He then whispered in my ear, which sounded like a spell in those Harry Potter's books.

"Dream on to wake up to start all again."

The image in my head started to fade. But the boy's last word was my unlucky girl.


It couldn't have been him.

"Hey are you alright? You look pale."

Or could it?

"Carolina!? Please you don't look good!"

Have this just been a dream to me?

"I'm calling 911!"


What will happen to Carolina next?

Will she figure out this strange flashback she just had?

Will I ever start learning to type fast to finish the chapters quicker?

To find out:

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2 can play at this game Mr. Player

Thanks so much! Love y'all and good day!

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