The Talk Chapter 2

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"Thank god I made it to class."

As I walked into classroom, I noticed the teacher wasn't here yet and sat down alone at my own little table. Everyone in the room was full of energy, talking about some random things. I, on the other hand, just took out my green journal from my backpack and a black mechanical pencil. I layed my head down and started doodling on the back of it. But I was interrupted by a harsh small push that ruined the little drawing. I quickly turned my head to see someone I really. fucking. hate.

"oh my bad! was that me or your stupid little drawing trying to run away from you?"

Ryley Sierra. One of the school's biggest slut.

Ryley was wearing a pink short skirt with a short white (showing belly button) sleeved shirt that read pink. Her hair was blond and in a high pony tail. Her eyes where dark blue that made you freeze in your tracks. she also wore layers of make up. Expecting for my reaction she said," You lil bastard, say something!"

"Fuck off Barbie doll!" is what I wanted to yell but I just ignored her as usual.

So I just turned my head back and pretended she flew to hell. I could hear her heels stomping away angry. I smiled to my self and continued my lil drawing until my teacher, Mrs.Greens, came to teach.


School was finally over.

And nothing bad has happened yet.


I walked out the school's building feeling like never before. But I felt someone pull my hand back and I quickly looked to see someone I thought forgot about me.

"Adam?" I questioned.

"Hey! I see you remembered my name." he smirked revealing a dimple.

"Umm...yea. I didn't wanted to be rude if I bumped into you again." I lowered my head and as always my side bangs got in the way.

"Oh well thanks! I've memorized your name too, Carolina."

I felt a bit warmth rise within me.

"you wanna talk a bit?" he asked leading me towards the sidewalk.

"S-sure." I replied.

--------------ADAM'S POV-----------------

We were walking side by side.

And it was quiet and soothing.

I turned my head to see Carolina. She was cute and beautiful. I cant belive why everyone is talking about her and her "unluckiness". I guess she's just misunderstood.

"so have any brothers or sisters?" i asked outta the blue.

"i don't have any..."she quietly said.

"Oh, how bout your parents? What do they do for a living?"

"I- I......" she kepted studering and fell to her knees. I quickly grabbed hold of her.

" was it something i said?" i thought.

I later saw tears in her eyes. I felt hurt. Because it only took one look at her and her tears, and i feel like shit.

"I'm sorry! are you okay Carolina?" I asked worried.

She wiped her tears and sniffed," Im okay. I just gotta get home by 5."

I helped her up and we stood there. Her eyes in pain. Her rossie lips in a straight line. Her bright hair suddenly looked darker as the clouds started to get grey. I could easily tell.

she's not okay even if she said so.

"You want me to drive you home?" I asked scratching my head.

"No thanks. I'll be fine walking." she said.

She quickly turned around and walked away. I kepted staring at her until she was out of sight. Then I felt a small rain drop. I looked up at the sky and noticed the grey sky. Later rain started splashing down. I started walking down the sidewalk to my white Camaro. I pulled out my keys from my pocket and opened the car. I just sat there thinking about Carolina. She was the only thing on my mind, I didn't know why. I hoped she was alight walking in the rain and makes it home safety. I smiled to myself as I remembered our little talk in the morning.

Her smile. I thought. the first time i saw her smile i was smiling to myself.

But when she cried, i felt like it was my own fault. Probably was. My knuckes formed and i punched the side of my car. Damm. But why didnt want to tell me? oh yeah. We barley meet. I started the car and started driving down the road. But there's one thing im guessing about her.

She hides many secrets.


-----------CAROLINA'S POV-------------

Drip. Drop. Drip. Drop.

The rain slashed down and i ran quickly down the side walk. After a while, houses came in sight. then stores and small buildings.


His name came to mind and i began to ponder.There's no way this could've happened! I mean no one comes near unless they wanted to hurt or mess around with me. But....

Nahh! He's just using me. in the end, he'll just leave.... like the rest of them.

Before a tear could escape the corner of my eye, I quickly wiped it off. I saw my apartment and was glad i could finally get out of this rain! I was about to make a run to my home until, I tripped on a crack of the sidewalk. I fell on a muddy puddle. Ughhh great. My shirt was all wet and soaky while my jeans were covered with chunks of wet mud. My face had a little mud of it and so did my hair.

To my luck, The most popular guy in school, Zach Brodly, walked in my direction. I quickly tired to get up but my hand slipped with the mud and i fell again. Zach was inches away from me. I saw his cool new (that he calls old) Jordans that was on sale just weeks ago. To his surprise, he just stared at me on the ground.

Damm it! Don't stare at me, Help me out here! I thought.

I looked away, trying to get up. Then i heard him chuckle.

Fuck you then.

Later, I heard him laugh out loud. I wanted to punch him. But that would've been animal abuse.

"Let me give you a hand there!" He coughed out.

"No thanks." I quickly answered quiety.

"Com'on! Its a one in a life time to be helped by a hot rich guy." He smirked.

God i hate this guy.

I reached my hand out and I didn't know why. But as soon as some of his friends catched up with him, his act quickly changed. He got my hand and I got up half way. Later, with his friends, Ryan and Freddy looking as if asking, "What the hell are you doing helping the cursed chick?", Zach relased my hand making me fall back to the mudd. They all laughed. Zach laughed nervously. I just sat there. I looked into Zach's eyes asking him,"Why?" Ryan took a quick photo of me in a mess. They later kepted walking and enjoying themselfs. I finally stood from the slippery mud and turned to look at those jerks. Zach turned slowly. His smile faded when he saw me. I then turned and walked away.

Why did i ever think that guy would help me in the first place?! Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!

As i made it to the front door, I noticed a letter was on the ground. I turned to look if anyone forgot this but no one was in sight. I reached out and grabbed it. On the front of it, it read,

" Must Read or Else."

Confused, I turned it around and my eyes grew wider when it read,

To: my Unlucky girl.

From: An old friend

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