A New Friend Chapter 4

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Everything was dark. I heard rain slashing down. But I couldn't see it or feel it. Then after a while I could see a small light. I ran to it. I reached out my hand and felt the warmth of it. I felt happy. Sadly the light started to fade and I was alone in the shadows again. I later felt a sting. "Ouch!" It rubbed against me and again. "Hey!"

I opened my right eye slowly. Later my left.

I guess I've been knocked out for bit.

Then something stinged me on my cheek. I had enough of that because it hurts. So I grabbed what was putting me that stuff. I felt my had flying to grab a hand.

I quickly turned to see Adam.

Hold up, Adam?!

Yes, it was Adam. But.....why?

"I see your finally awakened." he gave me a small smile.

Adam's smile made me have butterflies in my stomach. I let go of his hand and barley noticed I was in the nurse's office.

"The nurse will be back in a while. So I'm helping out with your bruises." He lightly padded my cheek making it burn.


"Sorry, did that burn?" He asked worried.

"Well a little." I shyly said.


"What happened?" He asked. "With Ryley and them."

I didn't answer. As if someone would come and rescue me from this hell.

"I understand." he said and got up from where he was sitting. Then he knelt down to face me. "W-what are you doing?" I asked. Adam later held his hand out to touch my cheek. He smoothly rubbed it. His hands are warm. I closed my eyes then opened them back again. He was in front of me. I blushed like an idiot. Then he came close to my face till our noses were about to touch.

"A-Adamm?!"I whispered. He closed his eyes and I shut my eyes tight.

"Don't worry I wont let anyone hurt you again.... even if your unlucky or not."

I opened my eyes in shock. I felt tears trying to slip away from my eyes. Its just that....

nobody has dared to come close to me. nobody has ever cared for me.

nobody has treated me humanly.


Not until now.

"But I can't trust this guy still." I thought.

Later I felt warmth around my body. I felt someone's hands on my back and their head place on my shoulder.

"Maybe you don't believe me now, but ill gain your trust. I swear!" Adam whispered in my ear.

A tear escaped from the corner of my eye. I held my hands up and hugged back. I gripped my hands on his shirt as I felt a sharp pain flowing out of my body.....my tears. This was the first time In a long time someone has hugged me. I felt happy in some kind a way.

"Thank you," I told him. "For everything."


I sat in class looking out the window.

It was a sunny warm day today. But I felt like I won't get to enjoy it much. I sighed. I wonder what friends would do in this weather? I thought.

"Excuse me but, is this yours?" I turned my head.

It was the new girl.

She reached out her hand to reveal the letter. oh no.

Without thinking I snatched it out of her hands. Oops.

"Sorry. Its just that this is personal." I apologized. "Did you read it?"

"Of course I did!" she said.

My eyes felt like popping out. I haven't read it yet and she decides to-

"I'm playing withcha!" she laughed.

My heart attack stopped. Then I giggled.

She stopped her laughing to smile and said,"Anyway I'm McKenzie."

"Thats a pretty name!" I admired.

She looked at me as if waiting for me to say something.

"Oh! Umm.....I'm Carolina." I blurted out.

"Carolina....That seems like a cool name to me."she smiled.

"Yeah. Thanks." I said.

"So that letter of yours," McKenzie sat at the desk in front of mines,"Is it special to you or what?"

I didn't know what to say. I haven't even read it yet and now I should tell a person I barley meet?

"Its okay, you don't have to tell me." she said.

I felt relieved.

"Do you listen to Sleeping with sirens?" she asked.

I shook my head.

"Well," She took out her iPhone and earphones from her pocket,"Lets hear them."

She turned on the music and I had to admit, I really liked the beat to it!

Could you check the pulse for me,

Too see if I'm alive

Cause every time that I am near you,

Is the only time I feel alright

If there were anyway

I could think to turn back time....

We listened to the rest of the song and I enjoyed it.

"Its called Alone by Sleeping with Sirens." she said.

I was amazed by the song because it was kinda relatable.

"Okay! Settle down, class is about to start!"yelled Mr.Donberrie


"Oh! Gotta get to my seat!" McKenzie said giggling.

We can....

"Lets hangout sometime!?" I blurted out.

She turned and looked at me with a big smile and said,"Yeah! I'm looking forward to it!"

Become friends.

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