Chapter four ~ I don't know what to do about him

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I woke up at six o'clock, with no clock, only anxiety, and my first thought was to get up and go and see Scorp. I charged up the stairs two at a time, only to see he was still asleep. I didn't want to disturb him, so I crept away. I made myself some coffee, and sat on the sofa, watching the fire flicker merrily. But I couldn't sit still for long, and checked on Scorp again, (who was still asleep), then the already spotless house, made my bed, and took a very thorough shower, brushed my teeth and got dressed in my most casual clothes (a baggy grey t-shirt and jogging bottoms). Now it was eight o'clock, so I made Scorp a single slice of buttered toast, which was what he normally had at Hogwarts, just times six. But, when I gave it to him, he only half-heartedly nibbled a corner, and put the rest down, looking queasy. I stroked the hair off his forehead to try and calm him down because he was getting seriosuly wound up and fed up of his own body, noticing it was sweaty, but didn't say anything. He put it aside, and instead drained the glass of water on the bedside table, then stood up, shaking, to get to the bathroom. I anxiously waited outside, for the inevitable thump. When it came, I jumped, and used "alohomora"  on the door, and found him slumped against the wall. I grabbed him, and dragged him so he was lying on his back, while I pulled his pyjamas back on, and flushed the toilet. This time, he woke up within less than a minute, looking slightly glazed an confused. I pulled him up, and half supported- half carried him back to bed, where he sank back on the pillows, groaning. I sat next to him on the double bed, and asked,

"Scorp, what's going on? And don't tell me you're fine, because we both know full well you're not."

"I'm just sick Al. I'm sorry, I expect that this isn't the most fun start to your holiday." I smiled, no part of me blamed him.

"I don't mind. Just tell me, what's wrong?"

"I'm just ill! Slighty dizzy, headachey, sick, fevery etcetera etcetera. I've probably got wizards flu or something. I'll be fine later on." I wished I could believe him, but I was scared for him, I had never seen him ill. It was always me with a cold or migraine, and he was the one bouncing round like he was permanently on caffeine. Now when he was suddenly weak, and I didn't know what to do, which was weak in itself. He tried to smile, but I didn't return it, instead turning away to get a thermometer, another potion and a fresh glass of water. I gave him the thermometer, and waited a few seconds, before taking it out of his mouth and reading it as 103 degrees fahrenheit. My heart slowed, and my stomach sank. 

"Mate, I really don't think you're well. At all. We need to get you to Snt Mungo's, your temperature is sky high."

"There's no need, really. Just wait, in case I don't get any worse-" his body tensed, and he suddenly jumped out of bed, launching himself towards the toilet, his legs buckiling under his lanky frame like Bambi. I ran after him, and held him steady as he emptied the contents of his stomach into the bowl,and I held his long fringe back. When he had finished, he just sat there, his whole body shaking, still heaving slightly. I sat sown next to him, and he laid down, curled up on top of me, overcome with emotion, illness, and just generally everything by the look of it. 

"Shhh, it'll be ok Scorpie." I murmured, rocking him back and forth while he cried, snuffling like a rabbit. I physically held him up while he brushed his teeth, dangerously swaying on the spot. Then he applied some deodorant, and sank back into the pillows. I summoned a bucket, and gave him an anti sickness potion, making sure he kept it down. "Call me if you want anything. I'll be downstairs... I'll find something to do". When he looked guilty, I added "School work, house work, learning next years stuff, things I couldn't do if you were up and about!" He grinned, and said, sleepily,

"Well, could you get my bag up here? Onto the bed I mean." I lifted it up, and plonked it on the pillow next to him. "Thanks." He put his wand inside, and took a photo out, of us in fourth year, our arms round each other, right at the front of group of our friends- James, Lily, Teddy, Rose, Sean, Ashton and Tyler, the three other guys in our dormitory. Me and Scorp were the shortest, so we were at the front, with Lily and Tyler at the back, James swooping in and out of shot on his broom. It was taken, not in the Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Gryffindor common rooms, but at our tree, near the lake where we always sat in summer. I had no idea he had this photo, I thought Rose had it in her bedroom. I smiled, faltering as I saw that real life Scorp had fallen asleep again. I used gemino to make myself a copy for my room at home. I then went downstairs to contact Snt Mungo's, to take Scorp in or even just get a second opinion of what to do. After looking back one more time to check, I tiptoed as quietly as I could down the stairs, so I didn't wake Sleeping Beauty. I assumed that the Floo powder would be next to the fireplace as it was at home, and everywhere else that had a Floo system, but a jar of the sparling powder wasn't on clear view. Panicking, I went through jars, small ornate pots and even a jewellery box, but there wasn't even a grain of it. My heart sank further as I read a note on the fridge:

"Get more Floo powder in time for when we leave Scorpius" 

I knew that if Scorp had been left in charge of getting something, he usually didn't get it, because, much as I loved him, he was a complete and utter scatterbrain. The only thing that I could do was send a shitty patronus- I didn't have my apparatus license yet, and the owls were absent. I thought of the time when the photo was taken, when Scorp was well enough to stand without fainting, surrounded by my friends and family, the happiest I had ever been. A burst of silver shot out of my wand, simliar to the Lumos Maxima, and a glowing ball burst out the tip. It flew out the room through the ceiling, leaving nothing but a little cloud of pale blue light- a reverse shadow if you like. 

"Come here" I commanded, and it ducked down towards me, the colour of an icicle and filling the spacious room with light. " I have a message to send to Rose Weasley. Tell her that Scorp is ill, very ill, and could she come round and see us, in a matter of urgency, but if it's possible, try not to panic. Also bring some Floo powder, enough for three people. Thank you" I reached out to touch it, to do what I was unsure, but there was nothing there to touch, my hand went straight through like a cloud. It rose majestically out, growing to about the size of a small dog, out the door and through the sky.

Later on, while it was gone, and Scorp was still asleep, I decided the best thing to do was to pick up my copy of "Spellmans" and practise one of the many spells and charms we'd be doing next term, knowing I'd be crap if I didn't. I technically wasn't aloud to do this for another day, but no one would get hurt if no one knew- in a wizzard house if there is some one over seventeen (Scorp's dad for instance), then it is virtually impossible to track underage magic in any form, and is usually left for the parents to disicpline the child when caught. Another reeason it would suck to me Muggle-born I guess. Anyway, I flicked through the giant manuscript and found a spell that seemed simple enough- the lumos spell I had learnt second year, except this time charming another object to glow instead. I read through the incantation and counter-curse (rule one of spell casting- always know how to reverse it before you perform it for the first time), magically pulled the blinds and dimmed the lights, and searched round the dark room for something to charm. I eventually chose the sofa I was already facing, and into the shadows, I said, clearly,

"Lumos object"

The sofa glowed and flickered like a candle, but soon went out, as if someone had blown out the tiny flame. Down hearted, I cleared my throat and tried again, this time with even more dismal results. I felt like crying- why was I so crap at everything? I stood still and shivered for a while, biting my fingernails, as I often did when I was nervous. But then, I saw my reflection in the great glass door, rubbed my eyes and composed myself. I had better things to do than worry over things I couldn't change. Besides, what if Rose suddenly came in, and saw me nibbiling my hands like a fool in the corner, over a spell that was above my ability that I couldn't do right first time? McGonagall always told me to start small and work my way up. I left the sofa alone for a while, instead picking up the tea cup I had abused earlier, and tapped it muttering, 

"Lumos object"

This time it glowed as bright as a white-hot flame,and I nearly dropped it, dumbfounded by my sudden sucsess. It was lit up a warm white colour, twinkling merrily in the reflection of the spotless surfaces.

"Nox" I said, slightly numb. I then moved onto slightly bigger things - a bunch of bananas, a bread bin, a cupboard and then whole floor in the kitchen. Soon, I moved back to the retched sofa, and with all my concentration, I lit it alight until it sparkled more than Cinderella's glass slipper. I grinned to myself- I was so proud. Then my smile disappeared as soon as it arrived. I had just heard a crash above my head. I dropped my wand and the teacup, which smashed on the floor for a second time, charging up the stairs two at a time, and sharply turning left. As predicted, Scorp wasn't in bed. I looked round the door, and found him unexplainabley in the bathroom, wrapped in a towel, face first on the floor, blood pouring out his nose and forehead, dribbling across the white tiles. Turning very pale myself, I stood, dumbfounded for a few seconds, as the crimson liquid continued to run. I crouched down next to him, scared to touch him. This time it was different- I backed against the wall, and looked down at my hand, which was slightly warm and wet. Horrified, I saw. Scorp's blood trickled down my palm, down my fore arm, snaking like a river.

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