Chapter fourteen~ I don't want to let him go

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"Al? Your dad's here!"

"What?" I was being picked up? I wasn't ready to leave, not yet! I much to do! "Tell him I'm busy!"

"Tell him yourself you lazy sod." I jumped out of bed, and looked around wildly for my clothes, carefully folded in the corner. "Al?"

"I'm comming!" I shouted, throwing on a plain white t-shirt over my track suit bottoms, then reluctantly walking down the stairs barefoot to meet the stranger in front of me- a clone in circular glasses and a hoodie. His arms were thrown out, but I shrank away from giving him a hug, staying with the Malfoy's for just a little bit longer.

"Happy birthday! Al?" Sighing, I walked forward and gingerly hugged my dad, whom I had not seen for over a year. He picked up on my awkwardness, and looked a little confused as he held me at arms length to take a look at me. "What's wrong with your lip?" He looked at Draco accusingly, and I stepped back to defend him.

"No, of course it wasn't them, me and Scorp got chased by these lads who punched me."

"What?! Where? I'll kill them, I swear"

"There's no point. They were just intoxicated Muggles. Scorp tried to curse them, but I pulled him away. Honestly dad, it's fine."

"Why were they chasing you in the first place?" Scorp opend his mouth to tell him, but I stepped on his toe to shush him.

"They were drunk dad, and in a big group of them. We were on our own. Seriously dad, leave it." The Malfoy's looked at me a little confused, but I blanked them out. Draco stepped forward in a brave atempt at hospitality, and asked,

"Er.. Harry... Do you want a cup of tea?" he asked awkwardly.

"Erm, yes... That would be nice. Thanks Draco." My dad lead the way to the kitchen he had been in hundreds of times before, and Draco sent his son to stick the kettle on, before holding me back.

"Hey, how come you don't want to tell your dad you're gay? That was the perfect opportunity then. Scared about what he might say?" I nodded hopelessly, able to fight off a million dementors but incapable of uttering two one syllable words to my own dad. "It's ok, come here son." I crawled into his arms a lot more easily than dad's, and hung onto his jumper sleves to postpone moving just a little bit longer.

"I can't do this", I whispered, still clinging to his arm like a baby. My good old friend Anxiety had come back to punch me in the stomach, and squeeze my throat so I couldn't breathe. I sat down on the floor, taking staggering breaths, unable to calm myself down. Worried, Draco sank to his knees, trying to look under my fringe in vain.

"Erm, Harry, Scorp?" he called to the kitchen.

"No, don't get them" I gasped, looking up suddenly, tears streaming down my flushed face. "I'm fine" I whispered to my knees, looking back down at them, not kidding anyone. I heard thundering footsteps, and a hand appeared on my shoulder, which I wanted to shake off, but I was frozen. Only when a second hand appeared next to mine did I grab it back, feeling faint. I hated everyone standing so close, breathing down my neck, and I felt my panic rise even further down my throat. Draco noticed, and grabbed my dad's elbow to take him back to the kitchen to give me a little more space. Scorp remained, and sat down next to me, his hand still in mine.

"Come on Albie. Let's tell him together." I was still very comfortable on the floor, but Scorp dragged me up, and through the door way before I knew what was happening. We stood in the doorway, hand in hand in front of my dad, who's mouth was open in a perfect "o" of disbelief.

"Ohhhhh" he said finally, taking in my blotched cheeks, odd behaviour and certain closeness to my boyfriend. "Um,  are you two...going out?" I looked at Scorp, then back at my dad.

A week at Malfoy mansion ~ Scorbus + WolfstarWhere stories live. Discover now