Chapter eleven ~ He finally asked me.

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We never did shave.

The kiss was beautiful, perfect, everything I had ever dreamed of. Ever since I was little, except with a girl I guess, not some stubbly boy, older than me and stood on tiptoe so he was the taller one. But I guess sometimes it's better when things don't go to plan. And I couldn't have wished for anything more than to have my little prince in my arms, curled up, fast asleep on my bare chest, snuffling like a baby rabbit. His forehead was warm, and his cheeks flushed pink. Was he ill again? He seemed ok, so or the first time I put my worrying instincts behind me, and got up and left, to his dad's en suite. Then I took a shower, after noticing that I was covered in horribly slimy shaving foam and sweat from being in such a warm bed. I got my shaving stuff, and removed my half-beard in the shower, turning to the wall to clean my hair. 

"There's a nice view"

I realised- too late- that I had forgotten to close the door, and Scorp sat up on his elbows,was facing me, smirking. I hid behind the wall, and rinsed off my suds, waiting for Scorp to come in and face me, stark naked and soap stinging my eyes. But when I came out about twenty seconds later, a towel wrapped around my waist, Scorp was slumped back on the cushions, his breathing shallow. 

"Scorp! Scorp? Hey, are you ok?" I cried, running to his side,not noticing my towel dropping to the floor. He sat up again, looking baffled, bleary eyed. "Scorp, did you just pass out?" Impossibly, he shrugged- I had been expecting a lie at the very least. "Right, you are coming with me to Snt Mungo's right now." He looked at me strangely, and opened his mouth to say something, while I stared back, agitated and impatient.

"You might want to put some clothes on first"

(Page Break)

Within a few seconds, I had pulled on a few items of clothing, and wrapped Scorp in his blanket as well as my coat thrown over his naked chest, and carried him to the fire place. "Snt Mungo's!" I shouted clearly into the dirty bricks, trying not to slur my words in my anxiety. The entrance was less crowded than earlier, but when I got I pulled Scorp to the reception desk, the highly made up lady just told us to take a ticket and sit down.

"No, I don't think you understand- Scorp is really ill!"

"So is everyone else in this room. Here's your ticket." Chewing her gum noisly, she handed me the pink paper slip. I stared at it.

"He was here only a day ago with a serious Muggle illness- ask healer Henley-Wiz!"

"Lucky him. Ticket." 

"No!" I shouted, slamming my hand on the table, making Scorp stir and the annoying recceptionist nearly give a damn. "I won't! Not until he sees a healer! My dad - Harry Potter himself - will come here and arrest you all for neglecting a child! He could die!" I declared drammatically. Glaring angrily at her, she silently motioned for me to go through, giving me evils behind my back while I stormed down the corridor. 

"That told her" mumbled Scorp, looking up at me, my arm round his waist. 

"I've never been that rude to anyone. Or used my dad's name to get through to someone."

"Works though" he chuckled, a faint pink blush creeping onto his milky cheeks. I looked on grimly, and passed a healer. 

"Exscuse me- Exscuse me- this is Scorpious Malfoy- he has a muggle illness of some kind, and needs medical attention, can you help?" He nodded, and lead us through to an adult ward this time, thinking we were older. From there Scorp routinely sat down on the bed given to him, looking more with it as he laid back. "Oh god, we are going to be in so much trouble" I laughed shakily. "Your dad's coming home later, and we're in Snt Mungo's, after forcing our way through and on the wrong ward." 

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