Chapter twelve- Why does he have a stick?

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With a plaster unhelpfully stuck to my lower lip to match the one on my thumb and on Scorp's forehead, we asked to use their back entrance to escape the shop, and climbed the wall into someone's back garden, flattened ourselves against a tree, checked for Muggles, then apparated out, to right outside the mansion, breathing heavily.

"You ok?" I asked, my chest groaning. He nodded, gasping, then grabbed my hand to take me through the mansion, the lock melting under his frozen hand, not needing to know the password because he had Malfoy blood. That was lucky, as I don't think either of us could speak at this point. We staggered inside, and collapsed onto the sofa, shaken. Scorp was the first to move, several minutes later (aunt Hermione was right. We do rely on our wands too much. I was far too unfit to even imagine getting near to moving. I should sign up to the nearest gym as soon as), going to the sink to grab us both a glass of water.

"I could kill that bastard" he muttered, looking at my chin before sitting down, groaning from muscles he hadn't used in a while. "I'll check the library for a book on healing shit, I don't know that spell yet unfortunately."

"Don't bother" I called after him, realizing something. "The book's on my bed. Sorry, your dad's bed." While he dramatically scaled the stairs like Mount Everest, I got up, getting everything out his bag that he hadn't emptied since the train. I pulled out his washbag, planning on dropping it on his bed when out dropped a second bag,made of clear plastic, containing a collection of my things. What the hell? What kind of creepy stalker was he? I sat down again, dumbfounded, and unzipped it. Inside was a stick of my deodorant, my green and grey tie, two pairs of socks, and something hard stretching the inside of the sock. The most odd item of all. A stick. Not a wand, an actual twig, fallen (or snapped off) a tree. Why? When I looked up, Scorp was stood there, rain dripping from his ears. I held up the bag, my eyebrows raised expectantly.

"Oh! Yeah, that's your stuff!"

"I can see that. Why have you got it hidden in your rucksack? And who's twig is this?"

"Mine!" He shouted, lunging forward with a little too much excitement. Taken back, I gave him the stick, and he grabbed it hungrily. "It's my special twig. I don't know how it got in there!"


He chuckled, and showed me a sticky label I had failed to notice on the side, with something written in Muggle felt tip (of course)- "Bag of Albus's stuff he left behind". He grinned, and gave me the bag. "Here we go. Your stuff."

"What- why have you only just given this to me?"

"I forgot" he said indignantly, fiddling with his bit of tree. "Sorry".

"Um- thanks for saving this I guess? And why. Do you have. A stick." He showed me proudly, and I noticed it was made of the same oak as both our wands.

"It's from the tree! The tree we always sit under in summer with Rose. It fell down one day, and I just kept it, I don't know why." I was torn between why the hell does he have a stick in his bag, how long had he had that and has he given it a name yet, but also that was so cute aww. The befuddled side won me over this time.


"I don't remember the exact date! Just that I was happy, and you were there and you make me happy. So this stick reminds me of you. I had a crazy idea that when I moved out, with or without you, I would plant it. See if it turned into a friendship tree or something else along those lines. Crazy, right?" He chuckled, and I smiled fondly.

"Not at all. When we move out, together hopefully, we'll plant it. See if it turns into an all-singing, all-dancing love tree. If not, well, it'll look nice sat in the middle of a flower pot." We laughed, and sank back onto the pillows, reminiscing. "Jesus Christ, your dad is due back any minute, and the place is a tip." He bolt upright, knocking my glass flying. "Repairo" I muttered, thinking inwardly of how he was going to kill me one day.

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