Chapter 12

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Zoey's Pov:

"Zoey!" My mom yells from downstairs. I'm lying on my bed with Demi's head in my lap while she and Austin, who I let in to my room after he begged me to, are having a thumb war.

"What?!" I yell at my mother while Demi pouts because Austin won.

"Get down here right now!!!" She says threateningly. I groan and get Demi's head off of my lap so I can stand up. I walk down the stairs and glare at my mom.

"What?!" I know that I should probably be nicer to my mom but she just pisses me off so fucking much, I guess it's because I'm a teenager.

"What did you do?!" My mother asks me, I shrug.

"I'm sure I did something, why don't you tell me what it is because I have no clue" She points to the window in the living room, I look outside and see paparazzi standing in front of my house with big camera's in their hands.

"Oh..." I say, I shoot my mom an awkward smile.

"What did you do?! I swear to God if I see you on the news again you won't see your laptop for a month!" I roll my eyes. I got on the news ones, because I had hung the principal of my middle school on the flag post by his underwear, and now I never hear the end of it.

"Mom I didn't do anything... not really anyway"

"Then why are there people with camera's in front of our house?!" I really don't know what to say so I just stay quiet while my mom glares at me. After a minute or two of silence Demi and Austin come down the stairs. Demi smiles at me but then there's a flash. Demi looks through the window and sees the paparazzi standing there and sighs.

"I am so sorry" She tells me, I just shrug.

"It's okay, I don't care and if I did I would just go kick some ass" I smile at her and she sighs.

"Zoey, you can't beat up paparazzi, they'll sue you, and it's not going to work anyway because they won't leave, they never leave and if they do they just come back with more" She says as she look out the window and glares at the paps.

"Fine, we'll ignore them" I say and shrug. Demi smiles at me and pecks my cheek before whispering "Thanks baby" into my ear. I smile and kiss her lips. After a couple seconds I hear a cough from behind me, I pull away from Demi's lips and glare at my mother while Demi blushes into my shoulder.

"What?!" I rudely ask my mother.

"Would you please stop kissing your girlfriend and explain to me why there is paparazzi outside my house?!" I look at Demi, who nods at me telling me it's okay to tell my mother.

"Right. So, mom... Demi is sorta... you know, the thing is... she's kinda... an international pop star" I didn't really want to tell my parents because I was afraid of how they might react... and with 'they' I mean my judgemental mother.

"She's a WHAT?!" My mother says, Demi holds onto my arm pretty tightly, I think she's scared.

"She's a singer, songwriter, actress, judge on the X Factor... all that stuff" I look at my mother, I wonder if she'll get mad at me.

"This is not the time for jokes, Zoey" My mother tells me.

"I'm not joking, just google Demi Lovato" She looks at me in disbelieve and then takes her phone out of her pocket. I take Demi's hand and sit on the couch pulling her next to me so she's cuddled into my side. I kiss the top of her head and feel her relax in my arms. After a minute my mother gasps and stares at Demi in shock.

"Oh my God... I have a celebrity in my house" She whisper to herself, I grin.

"You okay there mom?" She looks like she's having a stroke or something. She shakes her head as if to get out of her trance.

"No, yeah, yeah I'm fine. Demi would you like a cup of tea?" Of course now she starts acting polite.

"Only if it's not too much trouble" Demi answers with a shy smile.

"Of course it's not too much trouble darling"

"Mom don't call my girlfriend darling... it's weird"

"Sorry sweetie"

"And don't call me sweetie"

"Sorry pumpkin" She smiles at me sarcastically.

"Yeah... sweetie's fine" I say while Demi giggles, it's like the cutest sound ever.


I know that this chapter is REALLY short and kinda sucks but I had a bit of a writers block. And this was just a filler so I can get to the part of the story that I'm trying to get to... if that makes any sense. I was also thinking of making Zoey a bit more stubborn and adventurous, maybe make her a bit of a trouble maker. Please tell me if you think that's a good idea or not.

I've had a bit of a personal problem and I have no one to talk to so I'm just going to write it here, get it of my chest. I'm sorry to bother you with my personal shit, but here it is:

I got my report cart from school a while back and I was really proud of it because I not only had the best grades in my class but I came in second in the entire school with how good my grades were. But I also had one F because I was sick and I had missed a test (at my school teachers fill in the F until you get a chance to catch up). When I got home I proudly showed my report cart to my parents and the first and only thing they said was "You should get rid of that F" that was it. It didn't even piss me off, it just broke my heart, I have been working my ass off to make them proud and they didn't even fucking care. So right now I'm really fucking depressed which sucks because I had been doing better before all of this stuff happened and now I'm right back where I started and I really don't know what to do.

Sorry for boring you with that story, but thanks for reading Stop The World and I'll update within three days. (If there are any mistakes in my English please tell me so I can get rid of them)

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