Chapter 33

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Zoey's Pov:

"Yes... yes mom... I know... I just needed to-... yes mom... YES MOTHER I GET IT!!!! I'M A FUCK UP! NOW STOP TELLING ME WHAT I ALREADY KNOW, IT'S ANNOYING!!!!" I yell before I hang up my phone and rest my head back on the window of the cop car. The police officer in the passenger's seat turns around and looks at me with a concerned look on his face.

"Are you okay? That seemed pretty intense" He says, I roll my eyes.

"No shit Sherlock!" I say, my irritation is pretty obvious and I wish they'd just let me go and drive my own car, but they're worried I'll run off again. So now Amber is driving my car and Demi is with her, while I get the back of the cop car. URGH!!!!

"No need to be rude" He mutters "I was just trying to see if you were alright"

"I think I'd feel better if we could get some McDonalds" I say while giving him my 'innocent' smile. He chuckles.

"It's 5:30 AM, do you really think it's a good idea to get fast food this early in the morning?" He asks jokingly. I just shrug.

"I never went to bed so for me it's just really late at night. So yes, I think it would be a perfectly good idea to get some food. So can we PLEASE get some McDonalds? I'm fucking starving! It'll be on me" I beg him. He sighs before telling his partner to go to the drive-thru. I cheer and smile widely at him while he chuckles at my sudden enthusiasm.


"Bye Jim!" I yell at the police officer as the car drives away. I smile and step inside, before taking off my coat and shoes. I walk to the living room and see my parents, Austin, Amber and Demi all sitting on the couches, silently staring at me. I just ignore their stares and sit down next to Demi. I kiss her cheek and lay my head on her shoulder, closing my eyes and letting out a big yawn.

"Are you seriously going to sleep right now?!" My mother asks me, I nod my head.

"Of course. I'm pretty damn tired" I say before yawning again.

"YEAH SO ARE WE BUT WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS!!!" She yells at me, I slowly open my eyes and sit straight staring at her.

"Talk about what?" I say rudely.

"The fact that you ran off AGAIN!!!!" She yells, I roll my eyes.

"Yeah yeah. I'm sorry... blah blah blah... won't happen again... blah blah... irresponsible... yada yada... Look mom you know the speech, I know the speech, what's the point in repeating it AGAIN! We both know I don't mean it, we both know it's gonna happen again and we both know that I won't give a fuck when it does. So what's the god damn point of making me give you the same speech again, giving you false hope again and making me lie to you AGAIN?!!!" After I'm done yelling I put my head back on Demi's shoulder and close my eyes again.

"Zo, don't do that. Don't hurt her just because you don't want to talk about it. Don't do that" Amber says. I know she's right, I can hear the sniffles from my mom and I know she's crying so I keep my eyes shut tightly. I've seen my mother cry many times, I've been the reason she cried many, many time, and I do not need to see it again, it'll just make me feel guilty and I don't like guilt.

"I'm sorry" I mumble before I get up off the couch, keeping my eyes fixated on the floor.

"I'm going to bed but..." I sigh deeply, already regretting the words I'm going to say "we can talk later, after I've had a nap" Yep, here comes the regret.

"O-okay sweetie. I love you" My mom says, I wince at her words but don't say anything. I just walk up to my room. I change my wet cold clothes and put on a big T-shirt before crawling into bed. I close my eyes and wait, hoping I wasn't wrong in assuming she'd come. After five minutes my door opens and I hear Demi whisper "You awake?"

I don't say anything, I just move further into the bed and move back the covers a little. I pat the spot next to me and she lies down, leaving a little space between us. I mentally roll my eyes and put my arm across her waist, pulling her closer to me. I snuggle into her and she wraps her arm around me, keeping me close. We lay in silence for a while and I can feel myself drifting off into unconsciousness.

"It's not just me, is it?" Demi's voice brings me back from my semi-sleeping state.

"Huh?" I ask groggily.

"I-it's not just me? The... the "love" thingy... it's not... just me, is it?" She asks me. It takes me a while, but I finally realize she's being insecure.

"No... it's not just you... it definitely isn't about you Demi... I just- I mean, I can't... I... I just can't... I'm sorry" I don't know how to put my feelings into words, but I know I never meant to hurt her.

"Don't be. It's okay" She says before kissing the top of my head.

And with that I fall asleep, my last thought being a repetition of Demi's soothing words "It's okay"



Sorry for the long wait, it's been hectic lately for me and I don't have much time to read and write. I'm sorry if it bothers you, but I do try my best to post whenever I can.

Sorry if there are a lot of mistakes in my English, I didn't have time to proof read.

Please comment and tell me what you think.

Thanks for reading :)

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