Chapter 9

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Zoey's Pov:

"Omg, I can't believe you're dating Demi Lovato!" Austin says for what feels like the hundredth time.

"So can I tell my friends that you're dating her?" He asks me, I shrug.

"I don't know, we haven't really talked about that" I tell him. Just as I finish my sentence I hear Demi's voice "Pick up! Pick up! Pick up!" after a second I realize the it's coming from my phone.

"Hello?" I anwser my phone while Austin freaks out over my ringtone.

"Hey princess" I hear Demi's voice.

"Hey babe, how was your concert?" I say as I motion with my hand to Austin, trying to tell him to shut up as he is curently fangirling loud enough for me to be barely able to hear Demi's voice.

"It was great, my lovatics are amazing. But I missed you"

"Awwww, that's sweet. I missed you too" I talk loudly because Austin is currently sobbing which is... disturbing and weird, but whatever, if I were him I'd probably be freaking out too.

"Are you crying?" Demi asks, I laugh.

"Nope, it's just my little brother who needs to SHUT UP!!!" I yell the last two words at Austin and I hear Demi laugh.

"Why is he crying?" I laugh as I put my phone on speaker.

"Hey monkeybutt, Demi wants to know why you're crying" He looks at me with wide eyes and then at my phone.

"I- I'm not crying" He says as he tries to keep from sobbing.

"Oh, okay, haha, nice to meet you, sorta, cause we're not actually meeting because it's over the phone and not in person, but it is the first time we've talked so I guess we're meeting except for the fact that we're not... I am such an idiot, just forget I said anything" I laugh at her awkwardness and Austin grins.

"It's okay, you're not an idiot, you're awesome.... I LOVE YOU" He says and I start laughing really loud while he blushes.

"Oh, I see. Zoey didn't tell me you were a Lovatic"

"I thought it would be more fun if you found out this way, and I was right. That was hilarious, his head is the color of a tomato right now"

"Zoey, stop teasing him, that's mean" Demi tells me.

"Fine" Before I can say anything else the door of Austin's room flies open and my mom is standing there with her hands on her hips.

"What is all this noise!!!" I share a look with Austin before I anwser.

"I don't know what you're talking about" She rolls her eyes at me.

"Right, I heard crying, and I heard YOU laughing at it. So what did you do?!" I shrug.

"Nothing mom" I say as I innocently smile at her.

"Did you hit your brother again?!" She asks me, I laugh and shake my head. "Nope" She looks at Austin who's tears are dry by now but still visible on his face.

"Did she hit you?!" She asks him. He quickly shakes his head. "No"

"Than why were you crying?!" She asks him, Austin looks at me trying to see if it's okay for him to tell her about Demi, I shake my head.

"Uhm, you know- I was just... I mean... you know, the thing is-" I cut him off before he embarrasses himself even more.

"Mother. Somewhere on this Earth a man just lost his brother, a woman just lost her child, somewhere on this planet, this very second a child could be losing it's mother... People are dying out there, and you wonder why he cries?! I will tell you why he cries, HUMANITY!!! That's why. Humans were put on this planet with the opportunity to do good, but instead of taking that opportunity to use our time to help others, we are using it to destroy, to break, to hurt, to hate... to kill. So yes mother little Monkeybutt was crying, but it wasn't because of me... it was because of all of us" I finish my speech with a hand over my heart and a tear in my eye. My mother just stands there and stares at me with her mouth open. From the corner of my eye I can see Austin looking at me with a questioning expression on his face and I wink at him.

"I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to accuse you of anything, I just- I'm sorry" I can see tears rolling down her face and before I know it she's hugging me. FUCK!!! I mouth Austin the word 'HELP' but he just smiles at me.

"Uhhh, mom, can you not?" I ask her. She quickly lets go.

"Sorry, that was just so magical, I have chills"

"I'm just saying it as it is" She smiles at me through her tears.

"Ummm mom, would you mind leaving, I mean I would LOVE to hang out with you and I'm sure Austin would too, but I was helping him with his homework and it's pretty difficult so he really needs to pay attention"

"Of course, I'll be making dinner, what do you want to eat?" I look at Austin.

"Pizza!!!" We both yell at the same time.

"Fine, just for once because I'm glad you're home"

"Thank you mommy" She leaves and closes the door behind her, I stay quiet until I can hear her footsteps fade down the stairs.

"I can't believe she bought that" I tell Austin as I high five him.

"Uhhmmm, hello?" I hear Demi's voice from my phone.

"Shit, I thought you'd hung up" I say.

"Nope, still here... nice speech"

"Thanks, it kinda sucked though because she was crying so I couldn't fully enjoy my brilliance"

"She was crying?!"


"And you don't feel guilty about that?" She doesn't sound accusing, she just sounds curious.

"A little, but it's not the first time I've made her cry, I've gotten used to it... So anyways are you doing anything for the rest of the night? Cause I would like you to come over for dinner, if you'd like to of course, it's okay if you think it's too soon, we can do it some other time maybe if you want" I keep rambling until I'm blushing and Austin's laughing at me.

"I would love to come over for dinner" Demi says

"This night just keeps getting better and better!" Austin says and I laugh at him.

"So babe, do you want me to come pick you up?" I ask Demi.

"Yes please, but don't you think you should ask your mother before I come over?"

"Nah, she'll be fine with it, honestly she'll probably just be glad that I had human contact apart from the forced contact with family and people from school" I say.

"Yeah, that's a first!" Austin says, I just laugh with him.

"So do you have anything to do right now or can I come pick you up?"

"I'm not doing anything"

"Cool, so what kind of pizza do you want?"

"Just a normal cheese pizza's good"

"Alright, I'll see you later"


"Bye babe" With that I hang up the phone and put it in my pocket while I walk down the stairs to put on my coat.

"Can I come with you?" Austin asks.

"Nope" He pouts at me.

"Why not?"

"Because I wanna be able to kiss my girlfriend without my little brother freaking out over it. You can meet her when I take her home." He pouts at me and I smile.

"Tell mom I'm bringing over a friend, so she should order a cheese pizza. Don't tell her who it is though" He nods.

"By monkeybutt" I say as I walk out the door to go pick up my beautiful girlfriend.

A/N So I know this is really short but I wanted to post it anyway because otherwise you'd have to wait at least three more days.

Please comment and tell me if you like Austin or not, because I'm not sure if I should make him a big part of the story or not.

Also tell me if there are any mistakes in my english so I can correct them.

Thanks for reading, I will post another update later this week :)

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