Chapter 19

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Demi's Pov:

I walk into the room to see that Max, my manager and all the PR people are already there.

"Morning" I say before I shake their hands.

"Good morning, sit down" Tim says before motioning for me to sit down at the head of the table, I sit down and look at all of them. Something gives me a bad feeling about this.

"So Demi, do you know what it is that we're here to discuss?" Angie, my publicist, says.

"I have an idea" I say. When they called me yesterday and said that we needed an emergancy meeting today, I kind of figured it was about Zoey.

"Okay, so let's not beat around the bush then, shall we?" Angie says, I nod.

"Last Sunday some pictures of you kissing a girl emerged. Now we need to find a way to deal with all the media attention and rumors. We, the PR team, have a couple of ideas, but Tim told us you might not like them. So we were wondering what your plans were of how to deal with this" She says. I shrug.

"I was just thinking of not really dealing with it at all" They all give me questioning looks, so I try to explain myself a little further "I mean, like I'll just not talk about it... you know just my usual 'I will neither deny nor confirm this story'" They all look at me like I'm crazy.

"You can't be serious" Angie says. I shrug and say "I am"

"Demi, there are rumors going around saying that you're dating her and that you're bisexual" She says.

"I am" Angie rolls her eyes.

"That's not the point! If this comes out you will lose fans!" She says, I shrug.

"If they're homophobic then maybe I don't want them as my fans" I'm getting defensive and my voice is raised. Both Max and Tim seem to notice as Max puts a reasuring hand on my shoulder and Tim hold up his hand to keep Angie from talking.

"Demi, just promise me you'll hear them out before you say no" Tim says, I nod.

"Okay, I promise" Angie takes this as her sign to talk.

"Demi, we were thinking that maybe you and Wilmer could start hanging out in public again, get spotted a couple of times. Get 'accidentally' caught on camera while kissing" She says, I glare at her. I never liked Angie. This isn't the first time she's tried to make me fake date Wilmer, but the difference is that this time I won't do it. Wilmer and I are friends, nothing more.

"No" I simply say, Tim looks at me pleadingly.

"Demi, you promised to listen" He says.

"I did, and now I'm done listening. I'm dating Zoey and I'm not ashamed of it, I'm not going to hide it. And if that's a problem with you than I can always get a new team of people who do support me and who do like me the way I am, people who don't try to change me" I say before getting up and walking out the room. Max follows me.

"Nice. It was about time you stop taking their shit and stand up for yourself" He says, I grin as we walk into the elevator.

"I'm glad I did. It felt really good. And I was getting real tired of their shit" I say, Max grins at me.

"Good, cause so was I" I laugh and so does he. We stand in comfortable silence till the elevator stops on ground level and the doors open. We walk out of the building and towards Max's car, he opens the passenger door for me and gets in on the driver's side. We start driving to our hotel.

"I've got a surprise for you at the hotel by the way" Max says, I look at him, surprised already. Max never has surprises for me. He always tells me everything. He smiles at me.

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