Chapter 20

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Demi's Pov:

I'm lying on the couch while Maddie, Dallas and Marissa are fighting over which movie to watch. Eddie and Dianna are out with Angie and Tim to discuss what to do about my PR problem.

There's a knock on the door and I get up to open it. When I do I'm pulled out of my room and pushed against the wall next to the door.

"Hey babe" Zoey says as she kisses my cheek, I immediatly relax when I see that it's her.

"God!!! Don't ever do that again! You scared the shit out of me!" I say, she just laughs at me.

"That was kinda the point babe" She whispers in my ear before she kisses my neck. I can't help but let out a small moan, I can feel her smirk against my neck.

"So... Uhm w-why exactly did you decide to kidnap me and try to rape me in the middle of the hallway?" I ask her. I'm just trying to distract her from my neck because I feel like my legs won't hold out much longer. She pulls back from my neck and smirks at me.

"What? Did you seriously think you could trick me into meeting your family? Come on, I'm a Lovatic remember? I know everything about you... Besides, it's not rape if you like it" She says with a wink while I stare at her in shock. How the hell does she know that they're here?! They've been here for just a couple of hours! Zoey smirks at me before rolling her eyes "You tweeted about it Demi" She says. I facepalm so hard it actually hurts a little. Zoey just laughs at me. "Ow!!! Zoey stop laughing, that actually hurt" I tell her, she grins at me.

"Want me to kiss it better?" She asks me like I'm a three year old, but I don't care. I could use some kisses, it really hurts, so I nod. She leans in and kisses my forehead, temples, cheeks, nose, chin and, last but definitely not least, my lips. I kiss her back harshly and she pushes me up against the wall. I wrap my arms around her neck and pull her closer to me while her hands travel to my waist.

"Demi where did y- OH MY GOD!!! That's disgusting!!!" I quickly pull away to look at a very shocked Maddie with her hands covering her eyes. I blush while Zoey stiffens for just a second before relaxing and taking my hand.

"Sorry about that Mads" I say awkwardly. She just walks back inside my room and I follow her, pulling Zoey with me.

"I just caught these two dry humping in the hallway. It was gross" Maddie tells Dallas and Marissa. They both burst out laughing while I blush.

"We were NOT dry humping, it was just a kiss, Maddie is just exaggerating" I say. Marissa rolls her eyes at me.

"Right 'just a kiss' like those 'just kisses' you used to have with Joe? And in the hallway, Demi? Really? Keepin it classy I see" Marissa says teasingly. I blush.

"Shut up. It was not my idea to go into the hall, Zoey kidnapped me" I say while Zoey laughs and kisses my cheek before whispering in my ear "Don't pretend you didn't love it" I blush hard. Marissa and Dallas seem to notice because they share a look before erupting in laughter.

"So Demi, you gonna introduce us to yo lady or what?" Dallas says while Maddie sits in between her and Rissa. I sit down on the other couch and Zoey sits next to me.

"Okay, so girls, this is Zoey. Zoey this is-" I'm about to say their names but Zoey beats me to it.

"Dallas, Marissa and Maddie, I know" She says.

"That's not weird at all" I say sarcastically.

"Hey, you're the weird one, you are dating a fan. I'm just living my dream baby" She says jokingly while I blush. I hate the fact that she makes me blush this easily without a reason, it's embarrassing. Dallas, Mar and Maddie all laugh with her while I just mumble "whatever"

"Are you in looooooove?" Maddie says teasingly. I feel Zoey freeze up at the mention of the word love. That's just great, I got myself into a relationship with a girl who will probably never love me. That's just perfect. *Note the sarcasm*

"Soooooo... who wants to watch a movie?" I say, trying to avoid having to answer that question. Because the truth is, I'm scared my answer might be yes. We've known each other for less than a week, but she's just... she makes my heart skip a beat everytime I look at her.

"Can we watch Frozen?" Maddie asks, I smile wide, Maddie loves that movie and I know that Zoey does too. Maybe this will make her forget about the love thing.

"Sure" I say, and we start watching the movie. Ten minutes into the movie I feel Zoey relax next to me. And after about half an hour she cuddles into my side.


After the movie's finished I notice Zoey staring at me with a pout on her face and her head cocked to the side like a pug.

"What?" I ask her, curiously.

"Why did you put on make up? You didn't wear any this morning" She says thoughtfully. I shrug, trying to seem nonchalant while in reality I was getting a bit selfconsious... and not in a good way.

"Because I didn't want to look like Medusa all day" I say jokingly. Zoey just frowns.

"I don't get it... Medusa turned people into stone when she looked at them, but you don't..." She trails off thoughtfully. After a couple seconds realisation hits her and her frown deepens.

"That's stupid. The only way your face could ever do anything like that is if you smiled at a Lovatic with heart problems. Besides, you are beautiful without make up. That way I can see your freckles... I like your freckles" I blush and look down at my hands. For some stupid reason I actually believed her a bit when she said I am beautiful but then I remember what I see when I look in the mirror and realise she must just be saying it to make me feel better.

"Thanks" I mumble, she kisses my cheek and smiles at me while I blush.

"So I hear you're a badass" Marissa says to Zoey after an awkward silence fills the room. Zoey looks at me with an amused smirk on her face.

"Oh really. Would you mind telling me who told you that?" She asks Marissa.

"Demetria of course" Marissa says.

"I did not say you were a badass, I said you were a troublemaker" I say, she smirks.

"I'm both. I do badass things while I cause trouble. But I look awesome doing it so who gives a fuck?" We all laugh but I can't help but admire her confidence. I wish I could be like that.



But I had a lot of personal shit to deal with. I cut again after being 3 months clean and I felt like I had to focus on my recovery more than anything else. But I am still really really sorry for leaving you all waiting for so long. I promise that I will do my best to post more regularly (at least once a week, more if possible)

I know that this chapter was really bad but it was really hard for me to write without it becoming really dark and bad. I didn't want this chapter to be like that. I wanted it to be happy.

Also, I am kind of stuck with this story so if any of you have any idea's or would like to help me write please comment or inbox me?

P.S. There's a pug on the side in case you're having a bad day :) 

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