Chapter 36

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Zoey's Pov:

A lot has happened in this past week, for example, Amber and I graduated high school... which kind of sucked because they made me wear some stupid dress thingy and forced me to go because apparently it is not acceptable to not show up for your own graduation. But Demi was there, so it wasn't that bad. Yes, Demi actually stayed for a whole week, her manager was PISSED, I thought it was hilarious when he showed up on my doorstep  yelling at me while his face slowly became the color of a tomato. Demi however didn't find it as amusing as I did. She cried for almost an hour while I just randomly sang songs to her...

But beside that it was still kind of hectic. I had a talk with my mom about the running away incident again... it wasn't exactly civilized (not on my side anyway), there were lots of grunts, groans and even some growls but we sort of worked it out in the end... I think... I'm not sure, but I'll just pretend like everything's fine, that way she won't bother me any more than she usually does.

Amber and I also found a house in LA! We looked it up online and it's amazing, it even has a pool, cinema-room, fire pole and, drum roll please... a huge build-in fridge the size of a small room!!! My dad handled all the business stuff, so now we just have to go to LA and sign some papers and it's ours! 

So now here I am, on a private plane to LA (pop star girlfriend FUCK YEAH!), listening to my girlfriend, best friend and baby brother argue about whether or not it's a crime to put pineapple on a pizza. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Austin is staying with us for a week in LA before he has to go back to school, he insisted and started crying when my parents told him no so after a couple of hours of negotiations they finally agreed to let him come with us for the week.

I smile when I hear Max join the conversation, saying that the death-penalty would be a bit too extreme of punishment. Austin and Demi immediately go against this statement while Amber just looks insulted that they would consider putting her on death-row in the first place. I just shake my head and kiss Demi's temple. She lifts her head off my shoulder and smiles at me before resuming  staring at Amber in disgust.

I just laugh. Right now, life is perfect.



I haven't uploaded in a year... and I even forgot this story existed for a while, until I rediscover and reread the entire thing this evening.

I am really sorry and I do feel like I owe you an explanation so here it is (this is kinda hard for me to talk about so please don't be too mean)

A year ago I was having a lot of problem with figuring out who I was and searching within myself for who I truly was and who I want to be. It was difficult for me to try to cope with what I found because I realized that I didn't like who I was, at all. So I started self-harming a lot and tried to kill myself twice. All in all I spent most of the first month after the last time I updated in the hospital trying to recover. After I got out of there I was put into some kind of mental health institute (that makes it sound worse than it is, but I don't know what other word to use). Basically I was there to work on my recovery while having a strict schedule (which helped me be more balanced with my autism) and constant supervision. After three months I was home and healthy and on my way to being happy. But because of everything that happened I decided to focus on me instead of my story or the fandom. So I went to school, and I slowly became happy again. But I forgot about the story.

Right now I can proudly say that I am both happy and healthy. And this afternoon I found the first chapters of this story on my laptop and decided to read it. I got myself hooked again in this story and this fandom (while before I wasn't actively taking part in the fandom I was still keeping up a bit... lovatic for life). And I decided to start writing again... So here I am.

Anyway, I know that none of the above actually justifies my neglect of the story but I just felt like I owed you an explanation.

I understand that you will all hate me, but if there's anyone still reading I promise to start updating again... however the timeline will be fucked up and I will probably just skip a lot of things that happened and make up some different shit to fit the story. This might actually become an AU story. Also sorry that this chapter was so short. I'm just trying to get the hang of writing again. 

Thanks for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2015 ⏰

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