Chapter 2

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Griffin Elliot Quincy:

I snuck down the stairs like I was a spy. I was glancing left and right before crossing the hall and pressing myself to the wall. The coast was clear. I quickly grabbed a few bags of chips and other foods. I was grabbing soda when I heard a car door slam. Oh no, he is back. I ran up the stairs as quietly as possible without dropping any of the food. I stuffed the food under the clothes in my tub.

He stomped passed my bedroom door making me freeze. He didnt stop so I let out a breath or relief. If I hurried I could get to school and completely miss him.

I quickly slipped on a long sleeved gray shirt and black jeans. I slipped my wallet in my back pocket and my phone in the other. Then I put my keys with them and grabbed my jacket and book bag. I made sure he wasnt near before stuffing a bag of chips and two sodas in my pack. I didnt want to risk leaving through the front door so I climbed out my window and landed in my back yard. I quickly slung my pack over my shoulders and jogged into the dense woods. I made my way back to the main road just in time for the bus.

*** *** ***

I sat down in homeroom, still listening to music. People basically avoided me. I was a lost cause and delinquent. My dad spread rumors about me getting into fights with other people. That is why I came to school with new bruises practically every day. Everyone believes him and no one knows the truth. It isnt that hard to figure out that he beats me, but everyone here is too stupid to.

I noticed everyone staring at a girl as she came in. She was beautiful. She had red hair. She had the perfect hour glass figure and ass. A few guys wolf whistled. Our eyes met and I couldnt tell what color they were from the distance.

The teacher gestured back to me and she made her way back to sit at the table next to me. She pulled out a journal, sharpie and a purple pen. She wrote Language Arts in a neat font on the front of the journal in sharpie. She then opened it. I took out my ear buds and stuck them in my bag. I had to lean closer to her to get to the bottom of my backpack for a pencil.

I could smell her. She smelled amazing. My nose tingled. It wasnt because it was strong, but because it was such a great scent.

I couldnt find a pencil and they had already started taking the notes. If I fail this class Im going to be lucky if Dad doesnt kill me. I hit my forehead on the desk.

I asked, "Do you have an extra pencil? I forgot mine." The girl finished writing her sentence before shaking her head.

She said, "Sorry." I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest. I would just listen but I suck at listening.

By the end of class we had taken so many notes I was sure I was going to fail this class. Im fucking screwed! I stood up a minute before the bell that dismissed class rang. The girl put her things away and then handed me a piece of paper. The bell rang and she walked out with the rest of the class. I opened the paper confused. It took me a second to figure out what it was. It was the notes. I smiled slightly.

I put the piece of paper in my pocket and headed to my next class. I hate Anatomy. I sat in the back of the room again.

At our school we had tables that sat two in every class. It was an idea of a girl, Grace, in my grade. She was all about helping people. She always sat at a table with a sign that said something like Save the Whales on it. She convinced our school board that having tables that sat two in all classes was a great way to help kids mingle with each other. So, we got stuck with tables. Thankfully, no one ever sat with me though.

The class filed in right before the bell rang. Grace was sitting in front of me with a sign that said, Help the music program! We were the only two people in our own tables. No one sat with her either.

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