Chapter 3

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Amber Celeste Ross:

Afterschool I was putting my things in my car when I noticed Griffin walkout of the school and start walking down the road. He seemed to be taking his time. I had to stay after and talk to the principal about how my first day was so everyone had pretty much already gone home. I wonder what he was doing here so late.

I got in my car and drove over to him. I pulled up beside him and rolled down my window.

I asked, "Do you want a ride?"

He glanced towards the school, "No thanks."

I asked, "Are you sure?"

He nodded, "I like walking home. It gives me a chance to 'smell the roses' as Mr. Daniels would say." Mr. Daniels was the History teacher. He was ranting about how kids these days are always on the phone and being lazy. He said to get out and smell the roses.

I nodded, "Have fun with that, but be careful." He gave me a questioning look that made him look absolutely adorable. I explained,"There are wolves in this forest. I doubt they will attack you, but some are hungry." I rolled up my window and waved before driving off.

It was true. Not all wolves were nice. Our pack was small so we tried to keep regular wolves out and other werewolves that had lost their minds, but it didn't always work. It especially didn't help that we had to get rid of the vampires as well.

I pulled into the drive of the pack house and parked the car next to Alpha's Camaro ZL1. He had just bought it for a 'special occasion' and had only driven it once to fill the tank.

I called, "I'm back."

Benji came out of the kitchen with paint on his hands, "Hiya, Amber!" I smiled and set my bag on the chair.

"Hiya, Benji. What are you doing with paint all over your hands?"

He said excitedly, "Lilly and I are finger painting!" Lilly was an artist. She was married to Benji's older brother Derek. She was also pregnant with a set of twins and was due this month some time so she spent a lot of time with Benji. Derek was usually with her too so that if her water broke she wouldn't be alone. This time however, she was alone with Benji.

I asked, "Where's Derek?" I plucked an apple from the bowl and took a bite from it while leaning against the counter.

Benji said, "She is concentrating. He is with Dad going over the vamps." I nodded in understanding. We knew most, if not all, of the vampires in our area as well as the people helping them. So, we tried to keep their faces in our minds for if we ever saw them.

"What do you think?" asked Lilly. She held up her most recent painting.It was Derek in wolf form. His black and gray coat had lighter patches where the sun streamed through the trees above. I remembered taking a picture exactly like that.

I asked, "Isn't that the picture I took?"

She nodded smiling, "I knew you would recognize it. You don't mind, right?"

I shook my head, "No. It is no problem. If anything I'm flattered that you thought it was good enough to be a painting." Lilly was totally honest. If you needed to know if you looked bad in an outfit you would ask her because she wouldn't lie. It was annoying at times but you get used to it.

She grinned, "You are awesome, Amber. And this picture is so amazing. I wish I was this good at photography."

I shrugged, "It is a gift just like your painting skills." She smiled in thanks as I finished my apple and tossed it in the trash. I watched Benji paint some more and Lilly put the finishing touches on Derek. Alpha walked in with Derek. They seemed surprised to see me.

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