Chapter 6

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AmberCeleste Ross:

Hetook off the blindfold finally and I realize I was in what lookedlike a basement. It smelled terrible. It smelled like death. I saw alump on the floor but recognized the shirt. I ran into the open cell,"Luke! Oh my god!" He shut the door behind me, locking it with alaugh.

Hesmirked at me, "Oh-ho-ho, just wait until my son gets home. It willbe such a joy to watch your pain when I explain that you never lovedhim and were just using him to get to me."

Iyelled, "You're a fucking prick!"

Heshrugged one shoulder, the smirk not leaving his face, "Maybe."Then he turned, and walked out. I tried shaking Lucas. I tapped hisface lightly, trying to get him to wake up. He looked like shit. Hewas bleeding from multiple places and his ankle was hooked to a chainthat was attached to the wall. The chain and cuff were made of silverwhich explained the fact that he was still bleeding.

Hecroaked, "Amber?" His eyes opened a little bit. One looked to beswollen shut.

Isaid, "Yeah, I'm here." He glanced around.

Heasked, "What are you doing here? How did he get to you?"

Isaid, "He played a cop. He is mad because I mated with his son."I held up my wrist.

Heasked, "They told you?" His voice was croaky and he winced a lot.

Inodded, "As of about half an hour ago. Why haven't you healedyet?"

Hesaid, "He knocked out my wolf. I can't feel him anymore." Ifrowned.

Isaid, "Then let me fix you up before you bleed to death." Henodded, positioning himself against the wall. I took off my shirts. Ihad decided to wear a plain black shirt under my over-shirt. I putback on my button up and did the buttons. I tore the black shirt intoshreds and then wrapped them around the most severe wounds.

Hehad even been shot in the foot so I knew he couldn't walk anywhere.I tied it tighter around there, using three of the shreds for layers.He winced and clenched his jaw.

Iwhispered, "Sorry." I didn't know why I whispered it but I did.The door opened and I ignored it until I heard someone hit the floorwith a groan. I glanced back and saw Griffin on the floor and hisfather standing over him. I said, "Griffin!" He looked at me andhis eyes widened. He looked around the room, taking everything in. Hejumped up and limped over to me. His leg looked pretty hurt.

Hewas looking me over, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

Ishook my head, "That doesn't matter right now. I have to tell yousomething really important and I want you to believe me." I heard agun cock and looked passed him at his dad. He had a gun pointed rightat me.

Hesaid, "If you don't believe me Griffin, then watch this." Helooked to me with narrowed eyes, "Shift." I glanced at Griffin.He said, "I said shift dammit!" I jumped and glared at him.

Griffinsaid, "Dad, stop! Put the gun away! Please!"

Hisdad ignored him and now pointed the gun at Lucas, "I said shift."

Lukesaid, "Don't do this, Amber. He thrives off of fear!" A gunshot rang out and Lucas cried in pain. I screamed and jumped. I wentright to Lucas. He shot him in the ankle. Luke was crying. He bit hisshirt. His shirt looked disgusting.

Hisdad cocked the gun again, "The next one will go in his head if youdon't shift in the next five seconds." He began counting down. Ifelt my anger rising.

GriffinElliot Quincy:

Iwas in shock. My dad just shot whoever this boy is. Amber obviouslyknew him as she was by his side putting pressure on it. He was cryingand biting his disgusting shirt. He had one eye swollen and quite afew other scratches. My dad cocked the gun again.

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