Chapter 9

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Iwas ripped out of bed in the morning. I was choking. A man washolding my throat tightly while glaring at me. He had an evil smirkon. I noticed the fangs protruding from his lips.

Hesaid, "Oi! I believe this little runt is Edgar's." I struggledin his hold. I noticed Amber come in with a frying pan. She beganhitting him in the head. He dropped me and I gasped for air as shehit him twice more. He laughed tauntingly.

"Youhit hard, girl, but not as hard as me." He stood up and I jumped uptoo as he tried to hit her. He got me instead. I began coughing as itknocked the wind out of me.

Anotherone came in, "Sorry mate, she hit me with a frying pan." Shestood in front of me as I tried to get air to my lungs.

"I'lldo it again too," she threatened. She was holding the frying panlike a bat. I was suddenly reminded of the bat that was by her frontdoor. If I could get to it I could help.

Theyjust laughed, "You can't kill us, little girl." The one thathad been choking me suddenly had the bat in his hands. He lifted itto strike her but stopped suddenly. He sniffed the air noticeablybefore looking down at her.

"Amber?"he asked in shock. Amber took a step back obviously not knowing whothis was.

Hegasped, "Holy shit, you are a werewolf! Why are you a fuckingwerewolf?"

Theother boy said, "You know her?"

Hemade a so-so symbol, "I used to." She took her chance, beatinghim again with the pan in the head. The other one stepped forwards."Whoa, whoa, whoa! Calm down, Amber. We aren't going to hurtyou."

Sheasked, "Who the hell are you?"

Hesaid, "I will explain everything shortly." He reached up and hita pressure point on her neck making her fall. He caught her. I stoodthere in confusion as the pan fell from her hand. He started walkingaway and I felt adrenaline kick in.

Itackled him, both of us dropping to the floor. I flipped him over andbegan punching and punching and punching! I was pulled off by theother one so I instead started hitting him. He rolled his eyes,hitting my pressure point. I was out. I was gone.


"Whereis Gracie?" my wife asked.

"Shewas practicing in her room last I heard," Brent said.

Itold him, "Go get her. Shane and Beau will be back anytime withthose mutts that killed Edgar." Brent slugged off. I still didn'tunderstand why he insisted on walking like a human everywhere. Rightafter he left Beau and Shane came in. Shane was carrying a boy overhis shoulder while Beau had a girl he was carrying bridal style. Theyseemed to be bickering about something.

Iasked, "Why aren't they awake?"

Shaneinformed, "They were fighting so we hit their pressure points. Theyare just asleep." I nodded in understanding.

Brentcame back in, "She just wants to finish one more song." I huffed.

Itold him, "Get some water and splash it on them. I want themawake." Brent trudged off yet again as my wife was scrutinizingthem.

Shesaid, "This boy looks familiar."

"Heis Edgar's human son. The one he wanted us to change," Beauexplained quietly.

Iasked, "And the girl is the one that killed Edgar?"

Heshrugged, "We never got the chance to ask."

Isighed, "I guess we will just kill them both then."

Beausaid, "No. You can't kill her." I raised a brow. Was hebetraying us? I had taken him in as a child and raised him. I neverthought I'd see the day he betrayed us. Brent came in, splashingwater on them.

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