Chapter 4

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GriffinElliot Quincy:

Ihad been hiding in my room all weekend trying to figure out what todo about Amber. She is always so focused on school and class it kindof shocked me she wasn't a nerd. I mean, she got straight A's,but it didn't seem like that was her clique.

"Griffin!"my dad yelled. When did my father get home? I should have heard hiscar. I opened my door and walked down the steps slowly, trying topostpone whatever I was walking into. He was in the kitchen with anice pack on his lip.

Iswallowed hard and tried to sound normal, "Yes, dad?"

Hespat, "Don't call me that. I'm Edgar to you." I nodded inunderstanding.

Iasked, "How did you hurt yourself?"

Hesaid, "A stupid prick, that is how. Come here." I hesitated untilhe noticed then immediately went to him. He smacked me so hard I hitthe ground. He said, "When I tell you to do something you do itimmediately, got it?"

Inodded, swallowing the blood and tears, ignoring the pain the best Icould. I had thought about fighting back for years, but the one timeI punched him back I was unconscious for three hours afterwards. Ihad learned to cry on my own time. I learned to deal with it becauseit would be a long while before I was able to leave, if ever.

Iwas 18, yes. But my dad could hunt down any person with no problemand I knew that. I learned from my mother's mistakes. Dad told meshe killed herself after she left him because she couldn't livewithout him. I knew that wasn't true. I wouldn't be surprised ifhe were the one that killed her as a matter of fact. He had friends alot like him; it could have been one of them. I don't know, but I'mpositive my dad's story is incorrect.

NowI stood up. He dumped the ice in the sink and turned on the hot waterto melt it. It only took him a second to turn back around and punchme. I didn't get the chance to cup my nose before he had hit meagain, then again, then again. It went on. I couldn't defendmyself. I couldn't escape. I knew that much.

Oncehe had finished beating the shit out of me he went to his office andslammed the door. I propped myself up on the wall and caught mybreath. He had slammed me into the wall and knocked the breath out ofme. My ribs hurt so one or two were probably cracked, again. I had nobroken bones though unless you count those. I knew I would have avery bruised face though. I had a fat lip and my nose had bloodgushing from it. I lifted my shirt and winced. My shoulder hurt and Ialready had a few bruises forming on my stomach.

WhenI finally stood I didn't go to my room like normal. I went out theback door and into the woods. The forest always helped me relax. Igot quite a ways in and then just looked around. I looked to the sky,cursing God, if he was up there. I didn't believe in him, but Ineeded something to curse at, didn't I?

Ilooked back in front of me and jumped back when I saw a wolf. It wasabout ten feet away, partially behind a tree. It was watching me. Ilooked around quickly seeing no other wolves with it. I don't knowwhy I did it, but its gaze was somehow comforting. I guess it wasnice to know I wasn't alone. I sat down on the ground and watchedit, leaning my back against a tree.

Itwas red, black and white. It was big too. It was standingconfidently, but not defensively. It tilted its head slightly and itlooked so adorable.

Iasked, "Where is your pack?" It glanced around like it wasrealizing it was alone, or confirming it. Then it sat down andwatched me. It even sat confidently. It reminded me of Amber. She wasconfident, but not cocky. I said, "You remind me of a girl I know.She is so confident, kind of like you." It stood up and took a fewsteps so we were closer. I said, "Your eyes are even the samecolor. Of course, that is different because all wolves have yelloweyes." I noticed that its eyes scanned my body.

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