Chapter 5

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AmberCeleste Ross:

Ifinally let him leave after he took a second shower. I didn't wanthim to and he obviously didn't want to, but he had to. I didn'twant his dad beating him because of me.

Iwanted to go to sleep but my whole body tingled. I was too happy. SoI cleaned my apartment top to bottom. The next morning I was stillhappy so I took a long shower before getting ready for school. I fedand watered Peanut and Pepper before grabbing my keys. I got in mycar excitedly. I love this car!

Ihad just pulled into the school and I saw Griffin sitting on thegrass with his math book writing. He must have been finishing hishomework. I didn't know what we were. But, the last I knew about itwas that he didn't want a relationship so I was going to stick withthat. I liked him, a lot, but I wasn't going to force him intoanything, not ever.

Igot out and went inside. This was going to be a long week. I had justput my things in my locker when my phone rang.

Ianswered, "Hello?"

"Amber!Oh thank god. Have you seen Luke at all?" It was Cedric.

Isaid, "Luke, not since I moved, why?"

Hesaid, "He is missing. He was watching the new vampire boys to seewhat they were up to and he hasn't been back since Saturday. Hesaid he would be back yesterday."

Ileaned against my locker, "What do you think happened?" I knew myvoice showed that I knew the answer. I was hoping he could tell me Iwas wrong though.

Hesaid softly, "You know what I think happened."

Isaid, "Yeah, I do. Do you think he is still alive?" It was justthe buzz of the phone on the other end and I had my answer. I said,"I will be there after school, alright?"

Hesaid, "You don't have to..."

Icut him off, "I'm going to be there, Cedric." My voice wasfirmer. I said, "I will help in whatever way I can this time."

Hesaid, "I will tell the Alpha. I will see you after school."

Inodded, "See ya."

Hesaid, "See ya." I hung up and closed my eyes, leaning my foreheadagainst my locker. I stayed there a long moment.

"Areyou alright?" Griffin asked. I jumped from his voice. I glancedbehind me, wondering if he knew about Luke: if he knew about me. Ifhe did, he was a great actor and I now questioned his feelings forme.

Isaid, "I'm perfect. Last night was a lot of fun actually." Ismirked. I saw him blush slightly.

Heopened his locker, "I would hope so and I most certainly agree."

Isaid, "I'm glad I made an impression."

Hechuckled, "You made more than that, pretty-girl." I smiled with aslight giggle.

Isaid, "Nice nick-name for me." He smirked and I rolled my eyes.That is when an idea popped into my head. I had to tell Alpha aboutme and Griffin. I just had to.

Allday I flirted with him. I winked at him every time our eyes met andhe would immediately look away and he even blushed a few times. Iwould 'accidentally' brush against him. I knew he felt somethingfor me because he would close his eyes and take a small step awayalmost forcefully.

Iwas on my way to lunch when he yanked me into an abandoned classroom. Even the teacher was gone.

Isaid, "What?" He didn't answer with anything except pushing meup against the white board and kissing me. When we broke away pantinghe rested his forehead on mine.

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