Chapter 10

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Lilly giggled as I whispered sweet nothings in her ear. Benji was in the kitchen with mom and dad. They were making some cookies as an excuse to go over to Amber's and check on her. I wanted to go with because she was worrying me.

I was distracted by the sound of a car speeding down our driveway.Lilly and I both got up to look out the front window. I gasped when I saw Amber get thrown out of the truck, followed by Griffin.The car took off again, even faster than before.

"Dad,"I yelled, "Come help!"

I took off outside, hearing him follow in confusion until he saw them.Amber looked terrible. She was bawling, her arms wrapped around Griffin. Griffin was convulsing. I tried to pick her up but she struggled against me.

"What's wrong, Amber? Why is he convulsing? What happened?"

"They bit him," she cried, "He is going to die!"

"We can still save him. He will just be a vampire," my dad said,understanding who she was talking about before I did. She nodded quickly at us. I picked him up while my dad helped her. I took him to her old bedroom as he convulsed violently. Lilly brought me some ropes, helping me tie him down to the bed. Amber came in panicking.

The stress overwhelmed Lilly and then she gasped in pain. I looked over at her worriedly. She was holding her stomach tightly.

She looked up at me and I noticed the floor...her water broke.

I glanced between Amber and Griffin worriedly. She yelled, "Go help your mate, Derek!" I quickly scooped up my girl, heading down stairs to the hospital room.

"Dad,Lilly's water broke, call the pack doctor!" I set her on the bed gently and squeezed her hand. She smiled, a huge, proud grin gracing her features.

"I'm so excited," she cheered.

I chuckled, kissing her forehead, "Good. You should be." The pack doctor came in, a smile on his face.

"Are you ready to give birth to the twins?" she asked. On cue Lilly groaned in pain, whimpering as a contraction went through her.

Iran my fingers through her hair, "Just think of how cute they will be," I tried to distract her from the pain.

Amber Celeste Ross:

I rocked the little boy in my arms. He was such a little cutie. He yawned, arching his back and stretching his arms above his head. I giggled.

"You're are such an adorable little runt, Kaleb," I cooed. Derek let me hold him first out of everyone excluding him and Lilly. Benji got to hold Shelby first. We were the godparents. They asked us and I was really happy they had.

His face started to contort, searching for his momma I am sure. I quickly stood up and handed him over. He began settling down immediately as she gave him a bottle.

I smiled fondly,"I'm going to go back up and check on Griffin." I turned to walkaway but I felt a hand clasp my arm. I looked back curiously. Derek was the one who had grabbed me but he just looked a little surprised."What?" I asked curiously.

He stuck his face in my neck and sniffed me making me squirm with a giggle as it tickled.He suddenly took a step back.

"'re pregnant." Everything fell silent and my jaw dropped. He continued,"I thought it was just Lilly but is you!" I looked down at my stomach quickly in surprise. Pregnant? Me? Oh my god.

"Congratulations,"Benji giggled while still holding Shelby on the couch. "I like babies!" I smiled slightly but I wasn't sure how I felt. I knew that I needed to talk to Griffin though...and I meant as soon as possible.

I quickly climbed the stairs, practically falling into my old bedroom and tripping over Griffin who tumbled to the floor with me.

"Ow," he mumbled, "...Why didn't that hurt?" I stood up quickly, suddenly feeling nervous as I helped him up. I knew I needed to tell him but I figured one step at a time would be better. "I remember being bitten..." he trailed rubbing his head.

"He turned you,"I told him honestly.

"What?" he asked shocked. His eyes scanned his body, "Why?"

"It was we can't kill him. If we kill him you, along with all the other vamps he has turned, will be killed," I explained. He frowned, wrapping his arms around me and pecking my lips lightly.

"Okay...I suppose I can deal then...if the only other option is death."

I nodded, talking more to myself, "Yeah, everything will work out fine." I looked down as we sat on the bed, folding my hands in my lap.

He tilted my chin up, frowning, "Is something on your mind?" I wanted to tell him but I didn't want to overwhelm the poor guy. Not to mention I wasn't sure how he would react and that scared me.

"Yes, but, we can talk about it later...after you get used to the whole vampire thing."

He didn't agree with that, "Amber, if something is bothering you I want you to tell me.Maybe I can help."

I shook my head,standing up and moving away from him, "Griffin..." I wanted to tell him. It was on the tip of my tongue. Finally I just pulled him up by his hand, "While you were changing Lilly had the twins. I want you to meet them."

He smiled, "Okay."I realized he thought that is what I hadn't wanted to tell him so I let him believe that for now. We went downstairs. Derek smiled at us and I noticed he was holding Shelby now.

I introduced, "Derek is holding Shelby and Alpha Willow is holding Kaleb." He went over to smile at Shelby over Derek's shoulder.

The pack doctor came out of the hospital room and smiled fondly at me. "While I'm here I think it would be beneficial if I check and make sure everything is in order and your baby is growing healthily, Amber." I covered my face as Griffin's head snapped up.

"You're pregnant?"he gasped in surprise. The pack doctor covered her mouth quickly.

"I'm so sorry...I thought you told him," she whispered the last part.

I waved her off, "He was bound to find out I guess."

"That's wonderful news," he said, picking me up in a bone crushing hug.

I choked for breath,"Too tight." He let go of me quickly, frowning at his arms. I steadied my breathing, feeling relief.

Alpha Ben said,"Maybe it would be best for you to learn to control your new strength before touching anything." He nodded slowly but grinned up at me.

"You make me so happy."


"Do you regret it?" he asked suddenly.

I chuckled at Beau as he looked at me curiously, "Oh baby, regrets are for the weak."The room let out several soft chuckles.

Beau asked, "Uncle Beau?" I looked at the clock. It was just after two in the afternoon.

 "He was a brave man, vampire or not," I began, making their grins widen. "His last words to me have stuck with me since his death." So I started the story of my brother Beau, I wished so much he hadn't died so closely after us meeting again. 

The End!

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